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Zoom options

Zoom options to change all elements, including text size, spacing, etc.

It would be nice to have some zoom options to change the text size in the desktop application. It could be separate options for the sidebar and the main screen.

Updated: 2016-03-07

Hey folks--now you can zoom in and zoom out of the Desktop app using the View settings in the Toolbar. Thanks for your great idea @OviiiOne!


Zoom options to change all elements, including text size, spacing, etc.

It would be nice to have some zoom options to change the text size in the desktop application. It could be separate options for the sidebar and the main screen.


@user-removed Could we change this to "change size of all elements"? Just changing the text size isn't enough in my opinion and I'm not sure that's what you intended. Zoom also needs to change the size of all elements just like a zoom control in a browser.


I completely agree. I really dislike the new UI because of how spread out everything is, and much prefer a condensed view. I understand the possible need to offer multiple sizes for accessibility, but give a few options from large to condensed.


@jwylot I agree it's not just the text size...if that gets reduced I would also expect the spacing to be reduced.


I updated to the new version at home last night and wasn't expecting such a drastic change. Not only is it harder on the eyes, being darker with more contrast, but everything is too spread out meaning more scrolling. I still have the previous version on my office computer and wow, it's so much easier on the eyes. I get some of the design decisions/direction but IMO this isn't any more useful. 


Having read another comment about it being touch-friendly, the increased spacing makes more sense. But we're not all using touch devices.

Status changed to: Implemented

Marked as new idea and edited the idea a bit according to the comments to apply the zoom also on the other elements. Since we already have an idea for only adjustable text-size here. 😉


@Joe How does that sound now?


Awesome @Marco, nice job 🙂


Zoom on all elements seems like over-kill to me, but a compact font option is definitely needed for people with many long playlists. I 'lose touch' with my 1000 song+ playlists.


Would also preffer smaller spacing between songs and a smaller font.


Agreed, I really miss the old desktop user interface -- the new UI displays so much less information on the screen.