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Add the option to watch the music videos to songs while listening

integrating music videos into spotify

hey spotify community,

i've been thinking about something cool to add to spotify: music videos! imagine listening to your favorite songs and being able to watch their music videos at the same time. it could make the experience even better. here's why:

1. more immersion: music videos add to the vibe of songs. having them on spotify would let us really get into the artist's world.

2. easier access: instead of going to different apps, we could watch music videos right on spotify.

3. find new stuff: with music videos, we could discover new artists and stories through visuals.

4. complete experience: lots of artists put a ton of effort into their music videos. having them on spotify would make the whole experience better.

not every song has a video, but we could start with the ones that do. users could choose to watch the video while they listen, making it seamless.

i think adding music videos to spotify would be awesome. what do you think? let's chat about it!

looking forward to hearing your thoughts.



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