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[All Platforms][Music] HiFi Quality - Lossless Streaming 16bit 44.1khz

I've just started a trial of Qobuz - they offer the standard 320kbps as well as lossless FLAC streaming (and high res downloads if you purchase them) the sound quality is noticeably better and on classical it's just wonderful to get all that resolution through your hi-fi or headphones! The catalogue has a way to go to get to Spotify's level, but they are getting there. The iPad app isn't' too bad (the desktop app is in need of an upgrade but I hear they are putting all their efforts into mobile apps right now).
So - lossless streaming - if Qobuz can do it then so can Spotify, they must have the same source - and obviously if you are asking £20 a month then those record labels and distributors take enough notice to make the high res tracks available for streaming. What this all means is soon, very soon, we will get lossless streaming and closely followed by high res downloads - but if Spotify aren't careful it will be Apple who get there first with an audiophile premium offering, and when they do it will be a much harder market place to make money in!

Updated on 2022-01-07

Hey folks,


We know that HiFi quality audio is important to you. We feel the same, and we’re excited to deliver a Spotify HiFi experience to Premium users in the future. But we don’t have timing details to share yet.


We will of course update you here when we can.


Take care.


how can something so fundamentally obvious  as HIFI quality be, according to Spotify, “a good idea” and not “under consideration”?




I love Spotify as a Premium subscriber for the 320 bit rate.  


I tried Tidal, it's a great service, sounds phenomenal, but doesn't touch Spotify's UI, curated playlists, Spotify Connect, and so on.


That said, I would like to second this idea & re-emerge the idea to have an option for lossless streaming with Spotify.  I would pay more, without a doubt.



Dear Spotify, I'm premium user since 2013. I'm waiting 5 years now for LOSSLESS subscription possibility. I WANT TO PAY MORE, just tell me the price. PLEASE DO THIS!

Same for me. I'd gladly pay more for lossless streaming. 


There are so many things I love about Spotify. Id much rather stay here than leave for services such as Tidal or Qobuz who do offer high res streaming. So rather than just listing this as a 'good idea' get your act together and start working on something so many of us would like the option to use.


I hope to see Spotify have the option for hi-fi. I would pay more for the improved sound quality. This is why I went to Tidal because of better sound quality,  but I would drop them in a minute if Spotify offered lossless audio quality. 


I just can't believe its taking you guys this long to come up with an update on hifi streaming and lossless quality listening. Its sad to see a really competitive product not taking speed to market seriously and i am afraid that might just be a blowout on your subcriptions very soon.


No point asking for an update anymore..It was great while it lasted.










Litterally EVERY competitor has a CD quality or better tier. Even Amazon Music is going that way.


Give us something. Even MQA. Seriously, for the extra $10 to go to Tidal, it makes more sense to pay for TIdal and have the free Spotify level. What are you guys thinking? Do you think these comments are from paid imposters or something?


I am actually vested in Spotify. I own shares. I'm pretty unhappy watching the share value fall. I'm sure I am not alone in that!!! Let's face it, why should I pay for yesterday's tech when everyone else has moved to HiFI? What's the benefit to me?


Nevermind HiFi, it's time for a new CEO




Hi there, I noticed on my Novafidelity X35 the stream quality has been upped to 44.1K 16b in Spotify connect. Are you keeping this a secret? Sounds like a big improvement from 320kbps. Finally time to bin Tidal. Thanks Spotify!

On my Yamaha r803d I read 'PCM 44.1 khz'. I am a bit ignorant here, is that
really a lossless-like kind of format?

CD quality PCM is just what all lossy compression formats decode to. A DAC doesn't understand Ogg or MP3 or AAC or Opus and so on.