Help Wizard

Step 1


Click album art to go to song in playlist

It used to be functionality that if you clicked on album art (in bottom left corner or in Now Playing window) it would open the current playlist showing the currently playing track. This no longer works. 

Please bring it back as it is really time-consuming trying to find the track in the playlist (in large playlists). I used to use this function for almost every track that played. It's really annoying it no longer works.

Current functionality of clicking on album art in Now Playing takes you to the album - this is pointless as you can do that by clicking on the song title in Now Playing to do that.

SOLUTION: You can jump to the song in the current playlist - click on the Playlist Name at the top of the Now Playing pane (i.e. above the album art)



I just tried it... yes it sends you to the playlist... in my case to my liked songs, but not to the position of the song... that's what I meant... doesn't work! And just for information: I am using the app on my mobile.

Can it really be so difficult to fix that?


The previous design was a nice, convenient piece of UI, especially for those of us with lots of playlists and who like to explore the rest of the app. The compensation of Click on Album Cover  --> Open Up the Now Playing Window --> Click on Playlist is a halfhearted substitute at best; not only is it more steps, but it doesn't show you the song's position (helpful if you have a list of 200+ songs). 

I use Spotify to maintain my focus and sanity during long workdays at home. Have some pity on those of us doing remote work while managing a household