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[Desktop] Bring back the popularity bars

Bring back the little bars that signified how popular each song was on an album!

Updated on 2021-06-15

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Why do they always remove things with out a good replacement?


Why not display how many people hearted the song? That would be a better indicator of what people like?


Probably in proportion to the album itself, not globally. Like the bar represents the ratio of likes compared to other songs on the album or artist if its the artist page.


Cause as it is it's hard to know whats the best on an album at a glance. Who thought it was good UI design to make people compared numbers in the thousands or millions?



It's less comfortable for me without these bars. Make them optional, please.

Status changed to: Good Suggestion

Updated on 2021-05-21

Your suggestion has at least 50 votes in 3 months! Keep gathering votes. If this idea gets enough votes, Spotify will check it out and post a status update. You can read more about the idea process here.




This SHITS ME TO TEARS. (Thanks San_D for noting this above)


It BEGGAS BELIEF how you can spend DAYS crafting a crappy little heart wobbling animation for the 'like' button BUT YOU CAN'T ADHEAR TO THE MOST BASIC TYPOGRAPHIC DESIGN RULES.


Using monospaced fonts for columned numerals is a really basic requirement for clear communication. It's vis-com 101, and honestly just makes your design skills look embarrasing.


Perhaps you could use up just a little bit the 1.5 HECTARES of blank space now yawning at us between columns to fix this -- maybe?






The bars were much easier to tell at a glance relative to the other songs in the album. Then you could hover on the bars to see the play count if you wanted. It was the best of both worlds. 


The popularity bars were useful when discovering an artist, it gave a hint of what was a single release. But maybe it's the artist that could mark songs in an album as 'must listen' (the singles)?


I totally disagree with this Idea! The best implementation of this new UI is the numbers! Now I can see the exact number and measure accurately the popularity of a song!

Status changed to: Live Idea

Updated on 2021-06-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Let us choose if we want a bar or the actual statistics in settings.


Would be nice on web player as they don’t show listen count