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[Desktop][Search] Return Search bar to main screen

The Search bar was recently shifted to the scroll menu on the side (Windows Desktop Client), however, I cannot see why.


The Search bar is such an essential feature, which needs quick access at any time. With its new position, I have to click the scroll menu on the side first in order to scroll right to the top, just to click the extra Search option.

When I for example create a new playlist and browse through the artists´ pages to find the fitting songs, I can not simply drag and drop the song without scrolling down the long list until i reach my playlist. Then I have to scroll all the way up again to enter a new artist into the Search bar.
This just seems unnecessarily complicated and counterintuitive.

It´s not that the space was filled with something more important anyway (not that there are much more important things than the essential Search feature)... it´s just a blank space now.


I would really appreciate it if you moved the Search bar back to its previous position at the top of the main section, no matter whether it was a band page, playlist or anything else. It could still unfold into its extra screen (like it does now) when clicking it but the position has to be easily accessible at any time.


Updated on 2023-03-30

Hey everyone,


It seems that this idea ended up in the wrong board accidentally, so we're bringing it back.


We're keeping the previous Not Right Now status, as we don't have any immediate plans to implement this. As soon as we have any new information to share, rest assured we'll check back in here.


Take care.


Yes, please bring back search to the home page or make this a custom option, it's such an important feature, I always want the search bar there.


Please bring it back, or at least give us an option to use the always-visible search bar


+1! Why adding one click? The search bar should be accessible and visible at all times (it's also a standard on every websites and softwares users are used to).
AND, since the UX keeps getting worse, it's hard to navigate and you hide and bury more and more features, please have the search pull categories (ie. I've been looking for the new releases category for half an hour so I tried to search for it but it doesn't come up...)


more and more bad updates... sad!


Please return the search bar to the top of the Spotify window. 

Gmail, Google, Youtube,, every single web browser, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Wikipedia, and every single one of the entire internets most popular websites have a permanent search bar at the top of their sites and apps. There is a reason for this. You are not innovative for removing this feature, you are not making the app look better, and you are not making the app function better. It's embarrassing. I've tried to make nice "idea suggestions" but "there is not plan to revert the feature", so here I am yet again trying to point out the obvious by listing literally every respectable and known app/website in the world, and they all get it, but Spotify doesn't. You need a permanently locked global search feature at the top of your app/website. 


Even PornHub gets it (rumor has it)


Make the search bar large and wide and place it at the top on all the pages.


  1. This location is familiar to all users of online stores.
  2. This will reduce the number of clicks



There needs to be a search bar at the top of every page. A small button on the side is not intuitive, nor is it a good look. I use spotify every day and still, muscle memory directs me to the top of the page because every single popular/effective app and browser that exists uses this tried and true method of searching. Make it easier for us, not harder, please. It's like the three icons in the top right of every single window (minimize, expand, exit)... everyone knows where they are and what they do; this should be the same for a search bar.


Search button on the left is so weird and always costs time and click to use it.


But what is even worse - after clicking on that button the focus jumps to the other part on the screen. The mouse cursor is still on that button, but active element is the search field now.  This is totaly against all UI principles.


That's pretty dumb. Bad UX, the search tool is one of the most used features so it only makes sense to have it front and centre... That's why it would have been there in the first place. Minimising it alongside everything else doesn't make a lot of sense.