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I believe Spotify should distinct the like button and the add to playlist symbol, not only for visuals, (f.e. the hearted button will always be preferred), but the way Spotify distinguishes the liked and added to playlist songs in many ways is very confusing now.

For example, if I want to listen to an artist's liked songs through the artist's profile, Spotify has in that list included songs that are also added in one of my playlists, but have not been added to my liked songs. In such case I would only like to play or view the liked songs only, and not the added songs to other playlists. Furthermore, with the "+" symbol, viewing the list with the liked songs of an artist, it is difficult to tell which song is actually liked and which is not, as it is not obvious at first sight, because + shows for both added and liked songs.


To add on that, the same goes when I listen to an album, let's say I listen to an album where some songs are liked, and some are only just added to a playlist, but everything shows as "+". Then you have to further check which playlist they have been added to, the "liked" songs, or a different playlist of my own.

Lastly, sometimes I do not want to like a song just add it in a playlist, but pressing at "+" automatically liked the song and have to undo it.


Sometimes I would like to 'like' a song without adding it to a playlist at all. The heart would have been great to keep for that, then use the plus sign to add it to a playlist.