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Lyrics feature on Apple TV

So we need the lyrics feature on Apple TV because it is on Roku, firestick and other TV streamings. There was a idea made by "themonarc" and there was a status update there will be adding it and they still havent put it. Its been 2 years spotify has said that they will be adding it but it is not there. I understand Spotify got other things to do but they have told us that they would be adding it. Some people even switched to Apple Music because of that.  


In the attachment below, thats a little idea for the lyrics feature.





It's quite disappointing when you get an Apple TV, expecting seamless streaming, only to discover the Spotify app doesn't display lyrics. It almost forces you to consider switching to Apple Music, which then cascades into changing defaults across Mac, Alexa, Fire TV, and Google TV. Spotify's device switch feature is fantastic, but the absence of lyrics on a big screen is a significant shortfall, especially when Apple Music offers this. Spotify, please introduce lyrics to your app. It feels like you're overlooking a crucial feature, and it is costing you subscribers. Do you really expect your subscribers to open spotify on their phone and check lyrics in the midst of a moment? I truly cannot understand the rationale behind this omission


I'm considering switching to Apple Music just because of the lack of lyrics feature on Apple TV.


Please make this happen! I know a ton of us would love this feature. Definitely needs to happen to compete with Apple Music. 


Really no excuse for the apps on any of the various streaming devices to not be at parity with each other


Just got an Apple TV and am shocked to discover that there is no lyrics feature on the spotify app on ATV... very sad and frustrating indeed. Can someone from Spotify please confirm if this feature is coming soon?


please make it happen 


Please, make it happen


Please, add this feature