
Help Wizard

Step 1


Pin albums & playlists in Spotify's Home tab

Why not pin albums & playlists directly in the "Home" tab? See the mock up below, with 4 pinned items.


Pinned items will be available in every device (not just in my Android's home screen).


Pinned items will be availble in the Home screen, making it very practical. You could pin as many items as you want. Only the first few will be shown there.


The current pinned playlists and albums feature has two drawbacks:

1. you have to go to the "Your library" tab to see the pinned items.

2. you can only pin 4 items! Why???


In a first release, you could limit the quantity of pinned items shown in the home screen to a small number (4 or 6), but in the future, this could be extended to display more, or by adding a button "more" which would either expand the pinned items section or show the "My Library" tab with a filter which would display only pinned items.


pinned-albums 2.jpg.png