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[Playlists] Sorting Options for List of Playlists

I would love to be able to sort my playlists by Artists, then drill down by album so as not to clutter my Spotify. It's pretty hard to organize my playlists the current way. Any ideas on a future iteration that will enable this capability?

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks,


Slight update to this idea, which we think is worth highlighting. With the recent update to Your Library on mobile, it's now possible to sort and filter your Playlists, Artists and Albums in more ways. 


To find the filters, just pull down on the tab you're on, select filters and then choose the one you'd like. The 'Custom Order' filter on the Playlist section will mirror the order you have on Desktop - which means it's now possible to maintain the way your organise your tunes on Desktop across to Mobile. 


We'd recommend checking out this Spotify Answer for tips on how to add playlist folders using the desktop app. They're super handy for keeping your music organized.


With the search function at the top it's also possible to drill down by Artist in your Album section. To do so, just pull down and type the name of the artist you're looking for. 


Will now mark this idea as Implemented.




@ulrichburke The Spotify application doesn't have the ability to add plugins and so it's not possible to modify its behavior without access to the source code. You can maybe modify the apearance by editing the CSS, but this is just a cosmetic change and it won't survive updates.


@raacampbell is 100% right @ulrichburke, The Spotify application is closed source program. You can find off brands that are similar on Github but not the actual code. To legitimately allow users access to the source code, they would need to open it up to 3rd party developers. Since Spotify is driving for profit, I highly doubt they will open the source code.


As Ambiorix266  wrote it was possible to sort playlists (and songs, if I remeber right) in earlier times. Why did Spotify remove this basic function within the Windows program? What a dumb idea...


PLEASE make this happen.


What about an option to sort playlists by the clicks it got. Then you could filter the best songs out of a playlist

While a good idea it also leaves way for click trolls or bots who would
select the worst songs in an album to increase impressions/listens. That
route could cause damage to the artists and their labels who post the
That response makes absolutely no sense. Do you even use your product? We
are talking about playlists, not songs.
I have several hundred playlists and it would be so nice to have an alpha
sort for those. Thanks.

Dear Spotify, 


I have 221 playlists and really the only way to organize them is with your Left side bar. Also most of them are public, which is fine but I really wish there was a better way besides "public" or "secret" to organize and view all my playlists.


I have them in a custom order, but it would be interesting to be able to sort them chronologically, by genre or category (which I can't assign), by followers, by # of plays, by use (workout, chill, summer, etc.), but also be able to go back to my original custom order. It would be nice to be able to put some playlists in a folder or category so I can find all my indie music is in one place, all my music from 2015 is in another place, all my jazz music in a different place. Right now it's all one massive pile that I have to look through daily to find what I want. That's right, I scroll through all 221 playlists daily to find that single one I'm looking for. And I make between 3-5 new playlists each month.


Please work on a design solution. Preferably on the profile/user page, since nobody uses that page and it is the most visual page for content I -as the user- have created and curated. 


Thank you for your consideration, 


New User Profile Features-Please.png

Yet another seemingly obvious, necessary feature that Spotify left out and has sat on for YEARS - because who gives a sh*t about existing customers and useability, right? Let's just focus on grabbing new customers with flashier 'features'. For being such a playlist-focused system, it is INSANE that you don't have even a BASIC playist manager feature. I switched to saving songs to playlists because your idiotic 'save' feature breaks at 10000 songs - another arbitrary limitation that Spotify comes right out and says they will not fix. Now I have to spend inordinate amounts of time sifting through hundres of playlists - sometimes duplicated because there's so many I can't sort to know if I already had one.


Agree 1000%!  Coming from iTunes this was my biggest turn off about Spotify!  In iTunes you could have folders, dynamic playlists, genre classification and organization, and none of that is present in Spotify atm.  Please at least add collapsible playlist folders, this would be a quick and easy band aid.