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Removing items from Recently Played history

I would also like it if we had the option to remove our recently played history because sometimes I would listen to someone's playlist, an artist, or one of my own playlists by accident and I don't really listen to the playlist or artist anymore or I already have a song by that artist and it doesn't make sense to keep it in my library or recently played history.

Updated on 2021-06-14

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Y’all need to bring this feature back. The fact that music cannot be removed from the recently played section is asinine. I’ve accidentally played tracks many times and not being able to remove them is frustrating.


I let my friends listen to their [terrible] music when they come over and don't want that recently played garbage influencing any of my suggestions OR worse: clogging up the spotify page on my smartTV's app. Same for trying out a playlist I'm not sure about yet and then discovering I do not actually want to continue listening to. 


We are paying Spotify money for a service and yet with every update, you continue to break things that aren't broken and remove *GOOD* features (remember when it was _easy_ to see how many songs you had in a playlist?) to do things we don't like. IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO STOP GIVING YOU MONEY, KEEP NOT LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE WHO SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR SERVICE. THAT'S HOW BUSINESSES GO **OUT** OF BUSINESS. 🙂 



It's Valentines Day and Spotify is still suggesting Christmas music in my Recently Played. I haven't listened to that sh*t since Dec 26th.  *facepalm*


Likewise I would appreciate if you can remove from recently played on iOS.


I switched over to spotify when Google shut down Google Play Music.  This is a basic fundamental feature that existed in Google Play Music from day one.


I realise there are private sessions but I have my spotify account linked to smart speakers in my home and their does not seem to be a way to tell spotify to use a private sessions for these.  Thus my recent list gets filled up with things my wife decides to listen to and their is no way to clear them - these are also affecting my recommendations.


How has their been no response from someone at Spotify on this?


For me it is stupid to not allow to have a better recomendations on "our" current preferences, and that to assume that our tastes don't change over time is just... but the worst part is that we should be able to have the control of what "we" want to listen and not the service/app/software thinks or wants, that's just againts anything "customer" friendly and for a paid service is just overly predatory


The new update feels like Facebook bought spotify... and I removed my account in FB for the same reasons... To bad google play music shutdown, and I think that's the reason spotify can do whatever they want...


I'm so **bleep** right now!!!!


As of the recent 2021 Spotify update, there is currently no option to remove songs from the Recently Played page list. The Recently Played section is part of the main home page and serves as a frustrating concern. There is no three-dot menu that previously allowed for the removal of songs nor provides any option at all. Many users do not wish to have their entire previously listened-to tracks be posted indefinitely. The issue is that the Recently Played list influences Spotify's recommendation system that offers songs based on our "taste" which can be widely inaccurate.


The Recent Searches page offers the exact options needed for the Recently Played list,  allowing for users to delete individual searched artists, songs, and playlists or the option to clear the entire search history, and can be applied to the recently played list. 


Please do consider bringing back the option for users to remove tracks from the Recently Played list and/or provide a "clear recently played songs" option.


People have gone on my phone and played music that they liked and I didn’t, and now there’s no option for me to remove it off of my recently played. Bringing this option back would be useful for everyone who has this same problem. I don’t want to see album covers of artists I would never listen to. 




It would be really, really nice and much more user-focused to have the abilities to delete select items from the recently played list and to just clear the entire list at once. I often listen to music I don’t want others to see when they borrow my phone to play something, and I currently have a complete lack of control in what they see without this feature. Thanks for considering.