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Step 1


Sort by recently added by default + fix sorting option BUG

Status: Live Idea

Two issues

1. All playlists should be automatically sorted by the most recently added songs. I am aware of this sorting option however it makes zero sense that one see the oldest song first by default, this forces most users to always shuffle. When I show friends the sort by recently added it blows their little minds, everyone loves it, no one loves seeing the same old (oldest) song first, its silly.


2. The sort by recently added filter has a bug: Why in the world do I have to select this feature twice for it to actually work? IFor the very few people who are aware of this feature, I hear them say " I clicked it once and it didn't work, I figure it was just broken" I reply " nope you just have to click it twice for some reason" I can not see why this would have a logical use case.


Fix these two major oversights and it will significantly improve the user experience.
Otherwise, you guys are killing it!