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Spotify "for working"

Status: Live Idea

The home office model brought advantages, as workers could continue to produce and receive compensation even while working from home. However, this also brought new challenges for both managers and other team members. "Spotify for Working" was introduced to make the lives of those working in the home office format more organized.


The idea is to create a Spotify service for companies to offer their employees, but in a separate app. The employee downloads the "for working" app and logs in with their corporate account, gaining access to the entire Spotify library to listen while working.
The app tracks the time spent playing content and converts it into points. These points accumulate, and at the end of each month, a report is sent with the points for the company to reward the employee with some benefit. The points serve as a way to measure employee productivity without making them feel monitored, the use of the app will be optional and offered to all employees..


If the user opens another application while listening to the content, the point counter stops, and the user will have to start the count again, thereby better controlling work time and separating it from leisure time. There is no way to ensure that the employee is actually working while the application is tallying points, but they won't be on social media via their mobile phone. The app imposes limitations on rewards but does not impose punishments on the employee.


This idea came from a course that I've made, the chalenge was create a mobile solution for the home-office difficults, I see a lot of friends of mine that cannot work without Spotify, so I think it might work out.