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Work vs Play Mode

I really wish there was a way I could tell Spotify if I was at work - (where I listen to lots of instrumental acoustic music - basically elevator/focus music) and when I am ACTUALLY listening to MY music.


My work choices are messing up my Daily Mixes and my Discover Weekly and it is so diluted with my work music that I can't even use them.  I love other types of music when I'm not working, but I find the lyrics intrusive when I'm trying to focus or study.

Status changed to: New Suggestion

Updated on 2023-09-21

Hello @jhrohrig,


Thanks for submitting your idea to the Idea Exchange!


We've gone ahead and marked this as a new suggestion. Spotify Staff will look into this idea once it reaches the necessary amount of votes.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.





Hi there,

I think this is a fantastic idea and I popped onto this site for the first time to add something similar.
To add to the idea: 

It would be great if you can have a toggle to activate work / focus mode or if Spotify can integrate with the modes you have preset on your phone (i.e. work mode, sleep mode etc.) to play certain music and recommend types of music depending on the mode you’re in. As stated in the initial idea above, my content is also severely mixed up between work instrumental music and my “play” music so, my daily mixes aren’t as valuable as I’d like them to be! It would also be beneficial if wrapped could be split according to your modes as well so that you get a different view for work versus play.