Help Wizard

Step 1


Youtube Premium is literally better now

you cant even keep this side of your website running god damn i have to rewrite this
TLDR but even shorter than last time
Premium lyrics is outright terrible business. Only 20% of songs on the entire platform even have lyrics and now that its locked behind a paywall no one will ever spend $14 just for 1 month of lyrics. Second point Youtube Premium is actually just better, for $17 you get ads off the entire site and you get to have music so compared to no ads and lyrics spotify is loosing out on business if it keeps lyrics a premium feature, everyone will be moving to youtube now and i'm most likely gong to join them. Last point deaf people, theyre completely locked out of the website now and forcing them to pay for 20% of song lyrics is a lovely screaming "**bleep** you" to all those hard of hearing or cant hear at all.
If you want to keep your customers showing them how greedy a busniess you are AND lock lyrics behind a monthly paywall is laughable as a business strategy


Based on your interpretation of business, you should stay away from anything related to the topic of business.