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[Discuss] "I follow people on Spotify because.."


[Discuss] "I follow people on Spotify because.."

Hi folks, we currently have a poll up about why you follow people on Spotify.


If you have more thoughts, questions or suggestions, please feel free to discuss here.

Community Ergo Sum
48 Replies

@Gidyin wrote:
Following artists and users is one of the greatest aspects of Spotify. I love getting updates on when my favourite bands/artists release new material and have discovered music on here that just wouldn't of happened without suggestions based on what I am already listening too. As for following users even if they are complete strangers all you are doing is confirming that you like what they are listening to or that they have put together an awesome playlist. I was introduced by my sister and was a complete sceptic at first but now it's how I listen to music. One of my passions in life is creating playlists and sharing them with friends and the greater spotify community. When you get a notification on your phone to say someone has just subscribed to your playlist it's a real buzz. It's like letting somebody see your music collection and them saying "hey dude, you've got great taste". Long live spotify and long live the art of playlisting!

You have a point about sharing your music collection, but to me even sharing playlists is Kardashian to say the least. To me, we all like what we like and that's it. Whether or not someone agrees is pointless. I can't stand the social aspect of any service so I am glad Spotify allows users to dictate what is shared and what is not all the way to completely private sessions. 

I don't use Spotify to "listen" to music, that's what vinyl records and CDs are for. To me Spotify is a research tool and that's about it. Sharing and being a social butterfly getting involved in all kinds of drama and allowing others to drag me into said drama only interferes with my work and I'll have no part of it.

The nice thing is that Spotify allows everyone to set their level of involvment. (Unlike Beats which is just another version of social media trying to tell people what to listen to with no customization of participation for users).

I completely understand your point of view and for certain things I make playlists private. For example my kids birthday party playlist is private because that's personal to my family. But by and large for me music has always been and always will be about sharing. From the days of taking cd's round to a friends house to listen to and discuss to making a mixtape for someone, I've always loved doing that. I now have a platform to do that on a larger scale as I can now connect with people from all over the globe and I do so on a daily basis. I don't really get your comment about being Kardashian because I don't have an agenda and don't make any money from what I'm doing. I would prefer to think of myself like John Peel, feel free to google him!

Hey SonicDr,


I would like to reply to some points in your post. 


"To me, we all like what we like and that's it". Ofcourse everyone got their own taste and you cant argue about it. But what i like about Spotify is that one can listen to other (shared) playlists and discover new sounds that i also like. I find it limited to say for example: i like the beatles and thats it, im not interested in other people's tastes. I'm not interested in discovering new/old music i have never heard before and which might influence my current taste. I find that opinion closed minded. But to each his own.


When i read your comment i must say you have a very outspoken opinion with no room for any different opinion. 


I agree with this: "To me Spotify is a research tool and that's about it.". But you know, some people are better at researching than others and thats why i find it interesting to hear what other people have to offer in terms of music taste.


Finally you said: "being a social butterfly getting involved in all kinds of drama and allowing others to drag me into said drama". I have never experienced this on Spotify. I had an ocassional chat two or three times in one year. Spotify isnt twitter or facebook. So i think you are exaggerating on this.


Thanks for reading, i hope it doesnt get you too involved in the Spotify community 😉


My Spotify Profile: Jazzwhatever

@Gidyin wrote:
I completely understand your point of view and for certain things I make playlists private. For example my kids birthday party playlist is private because that's personal to my family. But by and large for me music has always been and always will be about sharing. From the days of taking cd's round to a friends house to listen to and discuss to making a mixtape for someone, I've always loved doing that. I now have a platform to do that on a larger scale as I can now connect with people from all over the globe and I do so on a daily basis. I don't really get your comment about being Kardashian because I don't have an agenda and don't make any money from what I'm doing. I would prefer to think of myself like John Peel, feel free to google him!

I hear that. By Kardashian I mean drama with social media and such, not agendas or monetary gain. Like I said, it's to each their own.

@Jazzwhatever wrote:

Hey SonicDr,


I would like to reply to some points in your post. 


"To me, we all like what we like and that's it". Ofcourse everyone got their own taste and you cant argue about it. But what i like about Spotify is that one can listen to other (shared) playlists and discover new sounds that i also like. I find it limited to say for example: i like the beatles and thats it, im not interested in other people's tastes. I'm not interested in discovering new/old music i have never heard before and which might influence my current taste. I find that opinion closed minded. But to each his own.


When i read your comment i must say you have a very outspoken opinion with no room for any different opinion. 


I agree with this: "To me Spotify is a research tool and that's about it.". But you know, some people are better at researching than others and thats why i find it interesting to hear what other people have to offer in terms of music taste.


Finally you said: "being a social butterfly getting involved in all kinds of drama and allowing others to drag me into said drama". I have never experienced this on Spotify. I had an ocassional chat two or three times in one year. Spotify isnt twitter or facebook. So i think you are exaggerating on this.


Thanks for reading, i hope it doesnt get you too involved in the Spotify community 😉


I hear what your saying completely. I happen to be one of those who is good at researching (I used to be in the industry). Like I said much earlier, all I need is a library and a search field. 

My musical tastes are anything but limited. Sure there are a couple of generes I just don't resonate with, but that's the same for all of us. Other than that, my playlists would be huge.

There's nothing wrong with being interested in other folks play lists and the like for what you describe. It's a good reason. 


As for chats, drama and the like: When I see "community", forums, etc. I view it the same as social media places such as facebook, etc. That's why I was really turned off by Beats. They force you to tell them everything about yourself and your friends and then interfere with you at every turn with popups and switches and more questions all the time telling you how great they are at selecting music for you. If one is into that then great, but not for me thanks.


That's why I came to Spotify, because it allows users to customize their level of involvment and the like. Truely. something for everyone.

I only got in this thread to point that out and the point has been made.



If you are good at researching i would like to see your playlists. There is a chance that i will follow you on Spotify with all the risks included. 🙂 

Just kidding but i am really interested in your music taste.


All the best!



My Spotify Profile: Jazzwhatever

Hi Jazz.


Appealing for a helping hand! I have a playlist which i have created for a work compeition and i need followers to make sure mine gets to number 1! At the moment i have quite a few followers and i believe i can win so please help me and follow it too 🙂


Into the night


Thankyou!!! xxxx

Hey tasha banks,


I have been browsing the forums and i noticed you have been spamming them with your mail about people following your playlist. I really don't know you, you might be a nice person, but these posts are getting kind of pathetic. And this topic is also not the right place for them. Agree, SonicDR; social drama!


Need help from a moderator to clean this spam.

My Spotify Profile: Jazzwhatever

Hi Jazz,  


I was actually  told by a Spotify employee to post my link in these forums (i wil quote 'perfect place to share your playlist') so appologies if you feel its spam but it isn't and i'm actually intoducing a lot of new people to spotify... Many thanks, Tasha 


My Spotify Profile: Jazzwhatever

Thank you for your interest, but I personally consider musical tastes to be a private matter to keep to onesself or shared very discretely. Just my personal opinion. Everybody's mileage will vary of course and there is nothing wrong about it.

Hi Tasha Banks. Maybe you should start a new topic to get tips on how to maximise your playlists exposure if that's what you're looking to do. But have to agree seeing the same message popping up from you does seem a bit like spamming. is a great way to maximise your playlists exposure especially if they review or feature it. Hope this helps with your work competition!

Follow for a follow on Spotify



I follow people on Spotify for exposure, opportunity, to reach out, and just for fun. I love Spotify, equally for its "everpresence" and its social aspects. Two of my favorite features of Spotify are Messages and [an app] Soundrop. With these, and with Follow, I get to be clued into my peers' world of music, as well as share songs specifically with my Spotify buddies. Sharing is like a instantaneous way of making my friends a mix tape.


Of course, I value my privacy! For an example, I do not use my real name nor connect my Spotify with Facebook. I connect with "strangers" from all over the world! It is so wonderful to listen to the genres of the world. This is why I follow people on Spotify.


As well, I cherish the "Sharing" preferences. When I intend to listen to my guilty pleasures or a song that I listen to *over and over again*, I make sure to keep it on the down-low by withholding my broadcasts from fellow followers! Just the same, when I'm "not in the mood" to be bothered with "The Feed," particularly in the evenings (I listen to music to relax, to focus, and it's personal, but not a social time), I hide the Activity Feed for a while.


As @SonicDr pointed out,

@SonicDr wrote:
That's why I came to Spotify, because it allows users to customize their level of involvment and the like. Truely. something for everyone.

Indeed, the high customizability is why I stick with Spotify over any other music service. This, plus their virtually infinite music library. 🙂

To me, it's a joy to see a stream of listening activity of those I follow. It's a joy to see updated playlists daily and as the months go on! It's sometimes a disappointment to me when I don't see new activity. 😞


♪ ♫ ♩ ♬




Without music, life would B♭

because of their good music i guess

I really like the idea of following friends on spotify. I acutally follow a lot of guys there but unfortunatley not a lot of friends seem to engage a lot over spotify (at least in my community).


It would be nice to find out more about the music taste of my friends. I have the feeling that there are still much suprises to be seen 😉

I follow artists because I want to know when they release something new and because the web player is terrible for conveniently keeping track of bands you'd like to listen to or want to remember.

...because I don't. I also don't see myself ever doing that. There is always Twitter and Pinterest for that. 

There are two answers for this..


i follow my facebook friends not just to know what are they listening to, but to expand my options on music not everything may be good to me, but it's better to know so than never listening to it and say i don't like it... i don't follow all my facebook friends, just some i know they have a reasonable taste in music..



i follow everyartist i like so i can keep track on them, if they come to my city or something i went to a dreamtheater concert just because i saw it on spotify then on the research i had the oportunity to win the tickets, lol...


plus, i get to discover some new things thanks to the related artist options, it would be nice if i could classify my following artist, but i already suggested that on the right forum...


hope it was useful.. 


I have a thing for crazy music, follow me to listen to check out my playlists..

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If i help you with something, accept as a solution, will be awesome..

Feel free to send a friend request, music network is infinite...

I really like following people on Spotify. My Following to Follower ratio is currently 104:19 and I have no shame at all hahaha


I personally think that knowing what kind of music a person listens to tells you a lot about that person. When I can see what kind of music my friends and acquaintances are listening to, I get a better idea of how I should communicate and interact with them when I encounter them in person, and know what kind of music to listen to when I have them over at my place. It's also a great way of discovering new music. If I'm following somebody I respect or like a lot, I will often randomly play a song they listened to and every now and then I'll stumble across a gem.


Tl:DR: I love the following aspect of Spotify!

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