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How to get followers?


How to get followers?

So after being a spotify member for a year or so, and the option to follow users, artists, bands was added I was wondering if there is a way to gain more followers, it's easy for me to follow my friends and my favourite artists but not so easy to get followers. Anyone who know's any ways to gain followers please comment in this forum, thankyou.




Hey folks! We know the question of 'How do I get more followers?" is a popular one here in the Community. 


That's why we've published this post explaining our top tips for gaining followers on both your profile and playlists. 

If you've got any other great tips for users please post them in this thread, thanks!


follow me on spotify
give me a chat would love to hear what you guys listen to and any recommendations for something new being a new song or artist.
268 Replies

I'd suggest sharing your playlists where you can. Spread the love. Once people realise you've got good taste, they'll be following in no time 🙂

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Who's your Spotify Star?

Thanks Sam I'll give that a go, just share playlists songs and whatever on facebook, tumblr, twitter etc..?

follow me on spotify
give me a chat would love to hear what you guys listen to and any recommendations for something new being a new song or artist.

Wherever you'd like, Adro. You can also right click on your playlists and 'Copy HTTP Link', then paste it anywhere you'd like.

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

Question answered? Just click 'Accept as solution' to help other users out. Easy.

Who's your Spotify Star?

Share your playlists and.. make sure they're good I suppose!

follow me and i'll follow back 🙂

---->*Follow me here*<-------

#Get Great music Now !!!



Don't forget to *Follow me here* , What are u waiting for ?? Hit the link ----->*Follow me here* <-------

I follow for follow! Just type in Megan McManus. I promise I'll follow back!!

I have a follower, but I have no idea who it is? I don't share my playlists (so far as I know!?)


How do you find out who it is?



@coalwoman wrote:

I have a follower, but I have no idea who it is? I don't share my playlists (so far as I know!?)


How do you find out who it is?



Hey there,


There is no way to see folowers in detail right now.


I'm sorry!

Please ignore the above!   Was messing around with various options and found the followers playlists etc. 


Still don't know who it is though !

Thanks hpguru -- posted before seeing your message.



Hey there.


Thanks for message.


I hope that Spotify add option back to see who following 🙂

Most of my friends don't have a Spotify Premium account. I know, they're crazy! I'm building up a very eclectic playlist. Would love to have some followers and return the favor. Thanks for your time!

Here's one of the many I have: EDM genre th



Anyone can create their own favourite lista but perhaps you should create lists with a specific subject/theme?

You could create list with music from films? That's only one example...



@coalwoman has really hit the nail on the head. Sure you can ask your friends or family to follow you. But to gain lots of followers you really need to make a playlist which stands out, having a specific trending theme is always good.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

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[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

Sorry. Mentioned the wrong person. I meant @Krellus

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History



Follow my starred list for a follow back!

Best regards from Norwat

Hey Megan and Mr. Pain, I just followed you two. I've never followed anyone or posted on here as I only know Spotify through my music being distributed to it lol I don't even know how to use it, but if you guys can follow me too that would be great 🙂  Jaiz

Hey, I've followed you, and would love to get some followers on this playlist and if you feel like following me i will of course return the favor Deep Chill, Indie, Post & Reggae same with this playlist Chill, Study, Relax, Exam Period



Follow my list ~~Chill~~

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