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Music & Color: Yellow


Music & Color: Yellow

Ever thought a song sounds warm? Or makes you feel red?


Do you see yellow as soon as your favorite album from high school starts playing?


There's a lot of ways to share, experience, describe and discover music. And we'd like to start a few threads focusing on Music & Color.


How does it work?


1. Think of a song that you would associate with the color yellow.

2. Right-click the song in Spotify and click 'Copy Spotify URI'

3. Click 'Insert/edit link' in a reply to this thread

4. Paste the URI

5. Click OK

6. Go to

7. Find the perfect shade of yellow to match your song.

8. Copy the hex code and paste it below the song.

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 3.37.25 PM.png


We'll then build an infographic that displays the songs and colors. It's an experiment for sure, but we're curious to see how this works with all your contributions. 


Playlist of all the songs in this thread here:



124 Replies

Thanks for your songs and hex codes everyone! We're gathering all your suggestions for an infographic and playlist now. 


Keep the suggestions coming as you think of more yellow songs.

Future Islands - Balance



BittencourtSpotify Star
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@meahtenoha wrote:

Ever thought a song sounds warm? Or makes you feel red?


Do you see yellow as soon as your favorite album from high school starts playing?


There's a lot of ways to share, experience, describe and discover music. And we'd like to start a few threads focusing on Music & Color.


How does it work?


1. Think of a song that you would associate with the color yellow.

2. Right-click the song in Spotify and click 'Copy Spotify URI'

3. Click 'Insert/edit link' in a reply to this thread

4. Paste the URI

5. Click OK

6. Go to

7. Find the perfect shade of yellow to match your song.

8. Copy the hex code and paste it below the song.

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 3.37.25 PM.png


We'll then build an infographic that displays the songs and colors. It's an experiment for sure, but we're curious to see how this works with all your contributions. 








(Promise that you'll catch me)

Forever in my head it seems
I finally know what made me
I promise that one day you'll see, you'll see...




Marco, a poet at heart

"Living is a state of mind". MF

Estaría muy bien que volvieseis hacer disponible la opcion de ver todos los suscriptores de tus listas. 

Tengo la impresión que cada vez que actualizais el programa, dais uno o varios pasos atras en cuanto a lo bueno que tiene el programa para los usuarios..

Un saludo


Where You Wanna Be - Charles William



















This is a kind of a feel-good song that makes you believe that you belong somehow. This is a kind of an adventure song that makes you feel warmer, but just enough. This is a kind of song that makes you hear yellow.

Vance Joy's Riptide reminds me sunny days, warmth and huge wheat fields! 😄





Schermata 2016-05-27 alle 11.40.28.png

This song reminds me of when it starts to cool off at sunset on a hot summer day:




Hex code: #f8ca00


Screen Shot 2016-05-28 at 4.08.52 PM.png

can you tell me how to post my own topic please as i cant find a link anywhere thats says post 😞

Hi, I checked out this post and it really fits my latest release!






-Job Jetson


spotify:track:2dvJidXAZfQZBQG5l3cs26 #e3d016

@saved I generally would not think of this piece as yellow. My Audio-Visual Synesthesia is mostly timbral, though it is also affected a little bit  by register and pitch classes/keys. So timbrally strings tend to be warm browns, and the harp tends to be glistening white but more dot-like in shape, rather than the ribbon of sound of the strings. In terms of key, it tends to be focusing on F and D I beleive (I do not actually have perfect pitch). F tends to give a warmish orange color where D tends to be brown, but oftentimes a sparkly brown, though the section in D iis minor and I think the sparklyness comes from the major chord, which the melody tends to end on. Its really quite complex and hard to explain because there is a lot going on when I see music.


Yellow tends to be associated with Brass Instruments, especially cylindrical instruments like the Trumpet and Trombone, (Conical Instruments like the Horn, Euphonium, and Tuba tend to be a bit more colorful and expressive). That being said, a lot of trumpet/bugle calls tend to be yellow. Also keys centering around E tend to be yellow. Oddly, due to Orchestration and other factors Dvorak's 9th Symphony in E Minor is much darker and warmer in color scheme with a lot of oranges and browns. Tchaikovsky's 5th is pretty Yellow, especially the ending of the last movement. There is also quite a bit of yellow in pieces like Also Sprach Zarathustra and Aaron's Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man, however there is a lot of open spacing in the chords of those works

 which gives it a very powerful, wide and big, but almost empty sort of feel.


I think I will post the finale to Tchaikovsky's 5th, at the end of the 4th movement.






While it isn't Perfect this yellow gets pretty close to the primary color scheme at the beggining and end of the movement (though the trumpets are a little bit buzzing in this verson making it fuzzier than most versions I have heard).


I also have Grapheme-Visual Synesthesia, which is where characters for writing (like letters and numbers) have color.


~Soli Deo Gloria~
* If you see a single asterisk like before this sentence, it most likely denotes sarcasm.

What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Classical Musicians Unite!



That's a lot to take in. You are clearly far more technically knowledgeable about music than I will ever be so some of it is sadly beyond my understanding. 🙂


I am quite surprised by the complexity and detail in what you see. I'm also surprised, although I don't understand why, that you see any yellow at all in Also Spoke Zarathustra and Fanfare For The Common Man. As regards your Tchaikovsky example - I feel (not see, of course) mid blue with splashes of yellow.


Then I remember that you have a hard-wired response to the sounds, not simply a "feel" for them.



There are many more questions I would like to ask, but I am wary of hijacking this thread.


I find all of this fascinating. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.


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