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Best Overall Songs of 2017 (Share Yours)


Best Overall Songs of 2017 (Share Yours)

Hey all! 


After the godsend that was 2016, we're all hoping for an encore! With new music from the xx, Bonobo, Foxygen, and on the horizon, Japandroids and Arcade Fire - the year is looking good ^_^


Same deal - share tracks you've loved from this year - known or unknown! I'll kick things off:




@rebeccacg @FunkishAudio @jonasherdegen @BenitoKCM @Jazzwhatever 

424 Replies

@crowdiegal wooooo for aussie artists! great picks ^_^

@rossi1911 it's been a big year for the gallaghers!  the kasabian tune was also a favourite oif mine ^_^

@swankysox QOTSA haven't lost any of their edge or kick (pun intended)

Quite new but made a huge impact to me..

Speaking of "Best of 2017", here is a compilation revolving around the idea.

@Jpgchief arcade fire and angel olsen are definitely two of my favourites this year!


but that seamus fogarty track is so weird and wonderful ^_^

This has gotta be the best I've heard. Vince really amazed me with his latest album, it's one of my most prized possessions. Some of the best hip hop I've heard in my 22 years.

@zeppelinracer definitely agree - so keen to see vince at falls festival!

@chansnightout thanks for sharing your music with us!

@HS97 is that a local band for you? 😮 they're really good!

@swankysox it's always so difficult to pick favourites off a QOTSA album!

yes! they're insane live too. only 2 guys but sound like a 4 piece

@meganmeganmegan so smooth! thanks for sharing that 🙂

Here's my Top Tracks of 2017 playlist. It was a great year for music and imo, the best song of the year has to be Salvador Sobral's winning Eurovision song "Amar Pelos Dois". Check out the rest of the playlist here.

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