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Step 1


One Track You Can't Stop Playing


One Track You Can't Stop Playing

You know what it's like. You find something new and can't stop playing it.


What's your current "can't stop playing" track? All genres and minority tastes welcome, as is old music you might have just discovered.


Currently, I have this on a loop.


TUBER: Sex and Depression


NOTE: It's instrumental, so no explicit lyrics despite the title


Tuber are a band from Greece which is a refreshing change in itself, with currently just over 1,000 monthly listeners. I am now a fan.


As for genre, it's not easy to pinpoint. Something of a cross-over with elements of rock, post-rock, stoner rock and psychedic rock. You may have other ideas. 🙂



We've made a collaborative playlist for this thread. It will update once a week. Follow here:


1,442 Replies

James Young- I'll Be Good

I can listen to this one for hours. The emotion in the song feels very raw, very real.

Hey folks, thanks for continuing to add this thread.


We've created a collaborative playlist with all the tracks you've posted here. It will update once a week--click below check it out:



Avenged sevenfold. Basically all of the last album. It took me a few to warm up to it but I love it now.

Hey meredith!


That's awesome, but I can't see anything? (Note: I can't see any of the embedded music, including my own.) Could you please post a link as well?

Dear Spotify, 


I am a very satisfied premium customer, and have been for some time, but I've got to ask one simple question. Who are your "tastemakers"? Beyond the celebrity endorsements, and well documented industry backing presence, there does seem to be a disconnect between which tracks are added to a feature playlist and which tracks are left behind. When people pay money for your service, they are looking for an experience. It should be your commitment to fullfilling that service as a means of exposing people to a broad spectrum of sounds, ideas, and human experience. For example, why is a band like Lord Huron dubiously absent from your "Happy Folk" playlist? It seems like a natural fit. I would appreciate Spotify more if I believed there were a greater focus on user generated content in such a way that the listener is engaging with the app, not just passively absorbing music. 

PRAY TO GOD by Calvin Harris & HAIM, for the love of God. Why Again? I dunno. I guess that's what this Question Really Reveals. I checked on my Spotify Playlists, & this Sweeping Ballad Slid into a Playlist non-chalantly about a year ago. A lot of favorites come and go in a year's time, but if you stop to think it through, a year is a long time to be bumping a cut that you do not grow sick of. It could be the collective synergy of HAIM & Harris, afterall I do like other songs these artists... I think it may have to do something with not being able to really pin down this track. I think last time I tried to corner this track & label it's genre. I came up with Ecological Warcrime. Anyhoots...

@dsshylos Hey there, very good question and I agree - Lord Huron is a personal favourite too!


I wrote a blog on how Spotify filters genres finely and balances tastemaker preferences here.


Perhaps because it comes closer to folk rock? This one with a wider scope does have Lord Huron ^_^



 This song is one of the sadest -I don't really know why- songs I listened in the past month

first love/late spring by mitski

Kansas City by The New Basement Tapes. This song came from an album of songs that were hand written by Bob Dylan.





let it happen by tame impala

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