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Recommend a band with fewer than 500 followers


Recommend a band with fewer than 500 followers

Spotify has a lot of amazing, undiscovered artists. Some of them just need a push into the spotlight. 


So in this thread you can recommend your favorite artists with less than 500 followers. 


To insert a Spotify Play Button just: 

1. Pick a track from the artist/ band. 

2. Right click and select Copy Embed Code.

3. Paste it in the HTML tab on your community post. 


Lately I've been listening to a lot of Psyence Fiction (34 followers). Recommended to me by @Jamie 



UPDATE: Don't feel like digging through the whole thread for new tunes? Here's a handy playlist for you.  Hit shuffle and enjoy:



1,363 Replies

Skipinnish. 281 followers.

One I like. Follow me Twitter: @1tuomas

Microdisney with all of 128 followes. Lovely indie pop from yonks ago

Swedish country rock! 141 followers

Pontus Snibb - Jason and Scorchers connection too

Classic US Rock a la Springsteen. 2 Followers......not enough!

Rockabilly with celtic touch? Deserves more than 37 Followers.

Irish band Jonny Rep - indie sounds from Cork- stuck on 35 followers!

There's a couple others I like who are in the 600s


<iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

Moon King is probably my favorite thing to come from SXSW 2013.


 Hello !


Melodious and melancholy pop that comes from Sweden

Martin Mcfaul - Sha la love ( 2009 )




Where is the html tab on a community page?


Also - how do you chat, email, or contact a fellow spotify user/member?



Click 'reply' or 'post' and you will see the option of Rich text HTML and Preview as tabs above the message box

Colin Gilmore (Jimmy Dales son IIRC) is a real find. Great pop/country tunes.

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