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Release Radar not working

We've been receiving reports that users are having issues accessing their Release Radar. Some are also seeing the error message "This content is no longer available. Would you like to remove it from Your Library?".

Hey folks,


Thanks for your patience while we looked into this issue.


We’re happy to say that this should now be fixed for everyone! Just make sure your app is updated to the latest version.


If you're still having trouble, make sure to post a new thread in the relevant help board here.



Release radar says “cannot load at this time.” I have screenshots but can’t load them, it doesn’t matter if I use phone or web player on desktop. Every other spotify generated playlist works.

This is total bs. Now today the release radar is completely blank. I'm done with this **bleep**. 10+ years with spotify and the treat us like this? I'm taking my business elsewhere. The entire dev team needs to be fired over this.

I'm having the same problem.


Same here, release radar playlist is empty. I' m quite upset. Every friday I was checking it and I really miss it. Spotify is constantly getting worse. It is now filled with useless podcasts and videos I don't need and I don't like. I just want to listen to and discover music. I guess this has commercial reasons. They are not improving functionality or user experience for the users but for making more money. This will reach the point, where nobody will use it anymore. Good luck.


this is happening to mine too, no matter where I access spotify (phone, computer etc.) On my phone I click on RR and it just says "this content isn't available right now."


I’m getting this as well - it’s odd because I could access RR this morning.

Status changed to: Under investigation

Hey there folks,


Thanks for raising this on the Community!


Our teams are currently looking into the issue with Release Radar. We'll keep you updated in this thread when we have any news to share, so make sure to Subscribe to stay tuned.




Hello everyone,

I'm frustrated but I'm experiencing the following and similar issue:

Last Friday, my Release Radar (RR) playlist refreshed and extended to 11 hours in length. I reached out for support via Facebook and the helpline on the website.


After lengthy discussions, I was advised by the helpline to wait until the following Friday, when my RR playlist would refresh again and return to its standard length of 1.5 hours (30 songs).


However, after waiting for seven days, I no longer have the playlist at all. My Release Radar has completely disappeared!


Upon reaching out again and running a few tests, here’s the current situation:

  • Web Player (Chrome): The RR playlist is visible but empty.
  • Windows Laptop App: No RR playlist is visible.
  • iPhone: The RR playlist appears, but it's empty and shows an error.

I've invested both time and money over the years into curating my algorithm. Is it now possible that I’ll need to create a new profile?

It will finish of my Spotify era;)



Screenshot 2024-09-14 114801.png

Screenshot 2024-09-14 114839.png


Hola no me sale mi radar de novedades me dice que el contenido no se encuentra disponible que debo hacer para poder disfrutar otra vez de mi lista de novedades que ustedes crean para mí que es una de las principales razones para yo pagar premium


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