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Step 1


I deleted a playlist and cant restore

I deleted a playlist and cant restore







Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

 I once had a playlist with over 800 song on it. And at some point I deleted the playlist. But I might've deleted the songs before deleting the playlist.. Is there any way at all to get them, the playlist back. There was so many memories tied to that playlist. Many songs I can't find. And I've been looking for a verry long time on how if possible getting it back. Please I need help

2 Replies

Hello creron. It seems that you want to restore a lost playlist.

Kindly refer to the steps given in the picture below to restore your playlist~

Thank you and Enjoy!lostplaylists_Instagram_support.png




I've tried that. And I can restore that playlist. But I deleted the songs that was in the playlist before deleting it. So when i restore it there are no songs there. Thats why I wonder if there is any way to restore the songs in the playlist. Is there any way to restore my account to a earlier point etc.

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