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Autoplay when connecting to bluetooth

Autoplay when connecting to bluetooth

 I've been having an issue with Spotify automatically starting and resume playing anytime bluetooth connects to my headphones or truck.  I've tried all the "solutions" that I've found listed online and none of them work, or are terribly inconvenient, like logging out or turning the settings for my Bluetooth devices to not be used for media, or restricting back ground usage (then the app won't work at all if the screen times out, which creates other problems).  Since the devs over at Spotify won't add an in app option to disable it auto starting and playing in the menu (like other apps are said to have because some developers actually listen to the people who use their app).   This isn't a complete solution because you still have to clear Spotify from the back ground when you're disconnecting the Bluetooth device, otherwise it starts autoplaying as soon as it reconnects.  I've been having this issue since Android 8 and am currently on Android 11 on a LG V60.


In your phone settings go to: apps > Spotify > app notifications.


Tap on the playback option and change it from "high importance" to "medium importance"

Switching it to "low importance" would also work, but then you lose playback controls in the notification shade.


I've tested this with my headphones and it works, I still need to test it in my truck but am confident it'll work there too.  I don't know if this is a work around if iOS has this issue or not.


I've attached a screenshot of the notification option to change, hopefully this helps someone.


EDIT: unfortunately this ended up not being a long term solution, as Spotify is now acting the same as it was before.

60 Replies

This is yet another instance of gaslighting from Spotify about this issue, trying to pretend that IF ONLY users did this, or that, or the other thing, then the problem would be solved.

It happens with Spotify only, not with other similar apps. If other apps can fix this problem, then Spotify could, too.

Android is a widely used operating system, not some weird niche thing that Spotify's developers could not reasonably be expected to accommodate.

No amount of fiddling about with settings in Android fixes the problem.

The only successful work-arounds that I have found are:

1) Delete Spotify from my phone after using it, then re-install the next time I want to use it. This works for me when I am at home, because I don't listen to Spotify every day, nor do I use my car (where the Bluetooth automatically playing problem happens) every day. It doesn't work when I am on holiday, because then I want to use Spotify to play white noise overnight; I want to connect my phone to the car every day for navigating; and I don't want to use mobile data to re-install Spotify every night. 

2) Download John Cage's 4'33" (a four and a half minute track of silence) so that it is available offline, set it to repeat that single track and try to remember to play this last thing before quitting Spotify. Then, when Spotify starts playing upon establishing a Bluetooth connection, you will hear nothing and it will not use up your mobile data.

Obviously, neither of these work-arounds are much good.



 I agree.  I've also attached a screen shot of pandora settings, which shows a streaming service that chose to give users the choice, not only auto starting music when the app launches (so even if Bluetooth triggers the app to start, it won't just start playing music) and also has an option to turn on or off the option to start the music when connecting to your car.  The only time I've had pandora auto start the music when bluetooth connects is when the icon is still showing in the notification.  I canceled Spotify premium a couple months ago and subscribe to pandora and it's so nice to not have it automatically start just because bluetooth connects.  Hopefully Spotify developers see this and decide to stop being lazy and actually fix their app, because this shows it's possible for users to control those types of features if they really wanted them.

And this is why I have given up on Spotify and moved to Pandora

This is getting absolutely ridiculous.   Today, IN A MEETING AT WORK, my phone started BLASTING music out of nowhere through the phone speaker because I had just hung up a phone call that i had connected with my Sony earbuds.   Spotify wasn't even open on my phone.


When i'm in my car, every time i try to start a meeting with by car connected via bluetooth, Spotify will start f'ing playing randomly when i start the meeting even if the app is not open (and no i don't use android auto).   Needless to say this is very distracting in the car, trying to mute myself so others don't get blasted with music out of nowhere.


I've tried everything everyone has suggested out of desperation to stop this from happening.  Seriously Spotify, how difficult can this be to diagnose and fix?   No other app that've ever owned across multiple devices across multiple years has never been this annoying and broken.  





Yes, this has always been pretty annoying.

It has now become exponentially more annoying and potentially professionally embarrassing as more and more people use Bluetooth connected devices at work.

In my view, you cannot run the risk of having Spotify on your phone if you have connected to Spotify via Bluetooth in the recent past and there is a possibility that your phone will make a Bluetooth connection whilst you are at work or in a work vehicle with colleagues.

My other concern is that my work-around of deleting and re-installing Spotify once or twice a week may artificially inflate their popularity, if this is measured by new installations, and if this work-around is adopted by all of us who have the same complaint.


Pathetic.  This long time subscriber is done and will spend my money with a developer that actually gives**bleep**.

What is sad is all the work around issues are not available on my s20. Also I don't use Android auto or any other car app.  I listened to a podcast on Google podcast ( that happens to be on Spotify) and now it turns on and plays random podcast. When I open Spotify (it's not allowed to run in background mind you per settings) it just plays. I will uninstall AGAIN. Spotify also plays auto on my husbands ear buds Even though he doesn't have the app, but we are on the same WIFI. So sad because I will have to find new podcast as my favs are only on Spotify or Apple. 

I have an iPhone and it’s been doing the same for years. I had airpods and now a new set of knockoffs and they both turn on Spotify when connecting. It’s not an exclusive thing to Android and the funny thing is just as many people say they have zero issues with this and also in the car. That makes me think it’s a setting, but someone would have found it by now if so. How can do many people with exactly the same devices have different results. So damn frustrating. I share the app with my daughter so I may opt for another. I can go back to Pandora I guess.

This started happening on my wife's Galaxy Flip4 when she installed Spotify. I've personally had it happen on a Galaxy S10, Galaxy S20, and Galaxy S22 Ultra, but it has never happened on my Pixel 6 Pro or Pixel 6a. I use Spotify daily and have it hooked up to Sony BT earphones and Shure BT earphones daily, and Android Auto every once in a while. Is it related to Samsung's particular version of Android?

The best part about this issue is that all the previous workarounds I can find online, are no longer options in my phone settings or in the Spotify settings. Which tells me that not only are they not looking to fix this issue but they're actively finding the workarounds people have found and removing them. 

Classic Spotify support. They do not **bleep** and there is no purpose to even having this forum. I will take my money elsewhere, unfortunately this is the only recourse.

Perhaps I'm unique in this usage but my issue was that I set up my Spotify on my Media Streamer at home and leave it running for a family member. Then when I get in my Auto Android equipped car the streaming stops at home. Now I don't listen to Spotify in my car so I went into the App Settings directory of my Android Phone and Disabled Nearby Devices. 


This seems to have solved my issue. Perhaps if I wanted to listen to Spotify whilst driving it would create a problem but I generally listen to YouTube Music in the car.

I think I found a solution! I have a Google Pixel 6, for reference. This randomly started happening to me again after months, but I went through my phone's app settings and found a "Special Permissions" section. Spotify had permission to turn on the screen, so I disabled that permission, and it worked!

I believe I solved it by removing the permission to devices in the vicinity, or devices close to me. So my Spotify has no permissions as of now.

OR NOT! It worked for 3 minutes and the this damn application transferred the music into my headphone from my Sonos.

Stop controlling where my sound goes!!!!!! This is rather new behavior, roll back the change.

I've found out that the cause has to do with permissions Spotify gets when it's installed. The permissions are part of the manifest and aren't able to be changed by the user.


Using an app called macrodroid I've found a consistent way to stop it from autoplaying.  If anyone is interested I can share the macro that needs to be created.

Are we ever going to get a fix for this or are android users going to be forced to use something else. This has been the most annoying thing I deal with on a constant basis. The amount of time this is taking is ridiculous. 

Hi, this is annoying as **bleep**. @banffman, I'm very interested in that macroid-workaround!

Send me a pm and I can share it with you

Over 12 months later, this is *STILL* happening...  and complete radio silence from the devs...


If only we could get that same silence from the [redacted] app whenever I get into my car

(Note: not using Android Auto... my car is an old clunker which requires me to use a Bluetooth 'feeder' which plugs into the car cigarette lighter to 'transmit' to my car stereo...)

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