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Cant add to playlist on Web Player

Cant add to playlist on Web Player






Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

I'm seeing an issue where I am unable to add a track to a playlist on spotify web player. I right click, then try to add to playlist and am met with just a blank black screen. I have cleared browing history, cookies, etc and tried on Chrome and Edge but the error is the same.

41 Replies

I'm pretty sure they're making this a "premium" feature. They officially stopped letting you edit playlists in the ios app too. 

Hey drag and drop works fine. But it's a pain in the a**

I have premium and also have the issue. Drag and drop workaround works, so thanks for that!


Same! Please fix!!!

I am also having this issue. I've tried Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, and have the issue in all three. My Firefox and Opera settings are even the default, so it's not an extension or anything interfering.


Like others said, dragging and dropping the song onto the playlist does work for now.

I have same issue on Opera 60.0.3255.95


Errors from browser console in attachmentsSnipaste_2019-05-19_12-43-51.pngSnipaste_2019-05-19_12-43-10.png 

Same issue here, with premium account, multiple browsers. Rats!

Same here!

oh this seems to work... but what a pain in the a$Z 😓


I have encountered the same problem, but I think I have a solution. I don't know if it will work for you, but on my Spotify Web Player, the playlist column has appeared on the left side, under ,,Your Library". Click and grab a song, which you are trying to add to a certain playlist and just move it to the title of the playlist. 

It works for me. If you find a better solution, please write it here. 

Thanks in advance 

This also worked for me - if you drag the song title and hover over 'your library' on the left, it'll ping open your library screen and you can drop it on a playlist there. Annoying, though!

same issue. 

I have Spotify Premium but problem still the same

Indeed, this works for me, but if you have multiple playlists saved you get totally lost - plus it takes so long for me to scroll down till I find the playlist I wish to drop the song into

The same thing has been happening to me since Thursday, and it still won't work and it's Monday.

When does Spotify plan to fix this issue? 

Hopefully! Dragging the song in your playlist is awfully tedious. 

I had to drag all the album list in another playlist. 😭😭😭

Having the same problem. Tried 4 browsers – the results are the same.


But I noticed that this appears only when you try to add a song from the search page.


Adding a song from an album, for example, seems to work though.

Nope, not for me. 

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