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Device Password E-Mail Not Received


Device Password E-Mail Not Received

I have tried several times over the past couple of weeks to get a device password sent to my e-mail (  I have yet to receive any e-mail with a device password.  Can anyone assist?



127 Replies

@Marktonium wrote:

No joy. I have not received any emails from any Spotify personnel.


Is this a common problem? If so, what causes it?

Did you not even get an automated email reply? Are you sure the email address on your profile is correct? 



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Got the automated massage saying the comment had been received, but no actual link too set a device password.
Marked as solution

@Marktonium wrote:

No joy. I have not received any emails from any Spotify personnel.


Is this a common problem? If so, what causes it?

It appears you were sent an email earlier today (11:56am UK time) with a request to confirm details. It may have landed in your junk folder?


Just reply back to this email and the team will get you sorted! 


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Yep, landed in my junk mail box. Responded to message.


Same issue.


Attempting to set up media player, but can't due to no device password being set.


Case numbers are 00772736 and 00783593.


Not in my junk-box.



@nomarznip wrote:

Same issue.


Attempting to set up media player, but can't due to no device password being set.


Case numbers are 00772736 and 00783593.


Not in my junk-box.



It looks like an auto-reponse was sent. I have now replied to one of your cases, just email straight back and we'll get this sorted for you via email. 


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Same issue as everyone else. Case number is 00797411.

3 weeks... still no help. Why can't there just be a field for setting that darn password in my profile area? Argh... that's kind of annoying 😞 .

Spotify Case #: 00760260

Err... got the automatic reply and read it, and it says this:

We're sure that these solutions will help you with your query.


So basically, that means that you are sure that the community, twitter, help pages, etc, will be enough assistance and nobody is going to review my case (00797411)? No. These solutions will not help me get my password! 😉

You can reply to the automated reply and it will be dealt with by a human.

Thanks, replied a few hours ago. Though it's a noreply address, which (most likely) goes into the massive void of e-mail, never to be read again, i'm sure it'll be fine. 😛

Same thing here...Seems kinda silly to see something as simple as this still be a problem after many months of it being a known issue. Not that my one account has pulling power, but I'm not gonna pay money for something like this when there are several equal services out there.


I'm giving them 24 hours to look into it, after that it's off to Google Music 😞

Same problem:
I requested the device password and didn't receive it.
So I contacted the (German) support team but the only answer was an automated receive notification. That's 2 weeks ago. There aren't any emails in my junk/spam box.

Spotify Case: #00793162

I just want that link/URL to set my password for the device!

Spotify Case #: 00760260

Can't be that hard.

Still help needed!

Spotify Case # 00760260

I'm waiting for weeks now... a month maybe?

Did you reply to the automatic e-mail you got? I did that and a few days later got a reply with verification of my account details and afterwards a link to reset the password.

I tried but it came back with an error message.

I just want to listen to spotify in my living room with my av-receiver :'( .

I am also having problems with the password not being sent.

Where do I raise a support ticket?

Use the online contact form and someone at Spotify can help get this sorted. If you get an automated reply, make sure to reply to it directly (even though it says not to) to speed things along.

Same issue, not receiving password reset emails. Submitted a request to support, got an automated notification that they'd received the message, but still not fixed. 

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