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Lost playlist / Sonos integration

Lost playlist / Sonos integration

Hi there I use Sonos to access Spotify and save music to Spotify playlists but have now lost all my playlists and there is a list of other playlists in there which seem to be other people's. No idea why. Can anyone help? Thanks!
3 Replies

HI Scubahaven, have you tried going on to the account page on ypur spotify and clicking recover playlists. This will bring back deleted playlists. This link should work click here to go to account info

Thanks dj3dx but it just tells me I haven't deleted any playlists and I haven't .. it's really strange and I cannot find the playlists on either Sonos (where I created them from as Spotify playlists) or in Spotify either. There are a number of other playlists now that are not mine but most of them are empty. Bizarre.

Hm, not sure sorry, that was the only way I knew.

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