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Nuclear Blast unavailable

Nuclear Blast unavailable

Since yeterday I'm not able to play most of Nuclear Blast albums. The error message is either "song is unavailable" or "song is unavailable in your country". This includes all Eluveitie albums, Toumas Holopainen - Lise and times of Scrooge, and probably some others (finding them as we speak, Epica seems fine, if their Spotofy collection is rather small, if it should include most of their albums, they're gone for me as well - I don't have them saved in my library, so I can't even see them enymore).

Can anyone tell me what is going on?


BTW, my country is Poland.


EDIT: inb4 clear chache: tried Windows client, android and web player. All the same.

190 Replies


lock up is being worked on...

dismember: our rights have expired, we cannot release those

gorefest: which album is missing in chile?

thx! these are being worked on.

could you confirm which albums exactly are still missing and where?

thx! however our rights have expired on those albums so we cannot release them anymore, sorry man!

thx man, good to know!

theatre of tragedy: our rights have expired, so we cannot release that one anymore.

all other albums are being worked on...

About Gorefest, I only see "La Muerte" and and "Freedom" EP. All the rest are missing in Chile


could you please list exactly which albums are still missing and in which country? then we'll have a closer look...

Other albums still missing in Chile:


Exodus - Let there be blood

Fear Factory - Genexus and The Industrialist

LockUp - Hate Breeds Suffering (good to know is in the works now)
The Defaced - Karma In black
Hypocrisy - Abducted

Well, I'm from Chile and here are not availables: 

Raise **bleep** - Holy Target

Raise **bleep** - Not Dead Yet

Raise **bleep** - Wicked Is My Game

Gardenian - Soulburner

Gardenian - Sindustries

Helloween - Rabbit Don't Come Easy

Thunderstone - Thunderstone

Thunderstone - The Burning

Thunderstone - Evolution 4.0

Fear Factory - Genexus 

Fear Factory - Archetype

Fear Factory - Transgression

Fear Factory - The Industrialist

Kreator - Violent Revolution

Gorefest - The Ultimate Collection Part 1 - Mindloss & Demos

Gorefest - The Ultimate Collection Part 2 - False & Erase

Gorefest - The Ultimate Collection Part 3 - Soul Survivor & Chapter 13 

Gorefest - Rise to Ruin

@nbusa any word on the sonata arctica and nightwish albums?

Dismember - Indecent and Obscene

Dismember - Massive Killing Capacity

Dismember - Death Metal

Dismember - Hate Campaign

yeah, finally!! 😄 thx for the heads up!


the other albums weren't released by nuclear blast i'm afraid so, i can't help... please check with their previous label then!

yup, they're being worked on...


thx! could you list which albums exactly? then i can dig deeper...

however i know that some of them are in progress.


i just noticed, i can't reply to everyone here. after like 5 or 10 replies within a few minutes verification is blocked... 😕

but thank you everyone for helping out here and sorry for the hassle!

again, i'd like to come up with status updates more often but i don't get them either myself. our distributor and the DSPs (spotify is just one of them) are working on that bunch of releases and i rarely get updates...

So here's a question, then; is it specifically only albums that were released by you (Nuclear Blast) that you have control over? Like, there's some Enslaved albums that weren't released under your label and some of their music has come back but not those albums specifically, so I assume there's nothing that can be done about those, for example?

I also miss "Fourth Dimension" by Hypochrisy on Spotify. An observation: Tidal does not have access to this specific album either, but include all other albums, just as Spotify. 



Also missing Machine Head - Killers and Kings single. I love that Ignite cover

From what Im seeing for Sonata Arctica then most of the old albums previous to Reckoning Night, none of them are available, which is a shame because those are the best ones, any chance we could get an update on that coming back?

I am still seeing almost all Nightwish albums missing. D borgir In Sorte
Diaboli is missing. Good news Within temptation and epica have returned.

Sonic Syndicate's album "Sonic Syndicate" (2014) is missing still.

Fear Factory's The Industrialist still missing in the USA.

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