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WP support helloooooo!?!?!??!

WP support helloooooo!?!?!??!

När fan ska ni ta och göra lite jävla nytta och släppa en app som fungerar nån jävla gång?

har fan betalt premium i två jävla år och inte ett jävla skit har hänt med det absoluta skämtet till app som funnits sen början av 2012.

visst, jag spelar Spotify vid datorn men på telefonen driver det fan en till vansinne.

10 Replies

And here is the English version.

release a WP app that works NOW or lose a 2 year premium customer because im not sick of this bull**bleep**.


Hi dude,


What is your problem with WP client? Im using Spotify on WP 7.8 and WP 8 and both working fine 🙂

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?

Windows Phone updates are coming soon! 🙂

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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There are lots of problems with the WP client.

- constantly reccuring connection losses.
- cant play shared playlists
- constantly reccuring connection losses.
- spotify **bleep**s up the phones audio output when connected to bluetooth devices. This only happends with spotify and the only way around it is to disconnect the bluetooth device.
- GUI can't rotate.
- Did i mention constantly reccuring connection losses?

Also the GUI is so old, My mammas grandma would seem fresh in comparison. Navigating through the interface while playing something is a pain as real as it gets.

Oh, and one mroe thing.

CONSTANTLY THESE CONNECTION LOSSES. Some times, jerking around with the phone solves the problem. Sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes it just hangs. Sometimes you have to force reset the phone just because Spotify is **bleep**ed up.

And while I'm at it.: WHY THE F-CK DOES SPOTIFY DISABLE THE PHYSICAL VOLUME BUTTONS ON ALL THINKPADS UNDER WINDOWS?!?!?!?!? It's been like this for ages and it's DRIVING ME %#¤"&#!/!"%#!"!!!!!!


I've blocked my credit card number from which spotify draws its montly 9.99$. And it will stay that way untill spotify gets it's sh1t together.

@Peter wrote:

Windows Phone updates are coming soon! 🙂

Wow. Update. Unbelievable and then I saw only for Windows Phone 8... ROFL


Windows Phone 7 customers ignored! Big smile


Spotify and Microsoft - error 404 in developing app for big userbase top WP7 phones. Update your WP7 client, at least fix bugs. Swear


Shame. Devil

Unfortunately Spotify announced a long time ago Windows Phone 7 would receive no more updates:

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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From what I can remember, there hasn't been an update of the Spotify app for WP since its initial release. What I remember It isn't even Spotify that developed it in the first place. From what I remember it took Spotify a god darn 6 months from the release of WP8 before Spotify cared to port the darn thing with bugs included and make an app for WP8 available. It's a god darn joke.

From what I can remember, Spotify on WP7 has NEVER worked on my Lumia, no matter what. That's the reason I pay the small fee and not the 9.99 one.

They could at least release the code so that the community could fix it. I know I would do it myself if I could.

I see there will be update for wp8 nice new fresh look app radio support great and my question before public publication, premium user will have ( incl. me) how do i will know about it? Thanks

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