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Double charged

Double charged

I'm on a family subscription but I also just got charged for an individual membership. I need to be refunded and not charged again. Also, the lack of a simple customer service help option sucks. 

5 Replies

Hey @rachelé, welcome to the Spotify Community!


It sounds like you might have two separate accounts, one subscribed to Premium for Family and one to a regular Spotify Premium subscription. Could you check out this support guide to checking for multiple accounts?

Let me know how it goes 🙂

I guess by logging in with facebook I ended up with two accounts. But
one of them is a premium account and one is free. Where's the one that
is on my family account?



Can you ask the Family subscription administrator (the one who pays for it) to double-check and make sure you have an account in there? If you aren't, you may have to rejoin it.

Looking closer, the one that says premium does say it's on a family
subscription. the other one says free. So what am I being charged on for
an individual subscription?



The Premium account that you have is the one you are being charged for. Once you join the Premium for Family plan, your personal subscription will be paused. To join the Family subscription, check out this support article:

Please let me know if that sorts out the problem for you 🙂

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