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Problems with premium

Problems with premium







Sony Xperia L1

Operating System

Android 7.0


My Question or Issue

 Hola buenos dias


Tengo problemas al activar la cuenta premium, hace unos días compre la oferta **bleep** que ustedes ofrecen, con tarjeta de crédito, a lo cual me llegaron los cargos, pero nunca me llegó un correo de parte de ustedes que confirme, pero el banco si me confirma la transferencia de fondos hacia ustedes

Y el problema más grande es que ya me han llegado cobros por un total de 12.45 dolares, y sin que ustedes provean el servicio ya pagado

3 Replies

Hey @u-z0_y64tum7s, welcome to the Community!


We hope you don't mind if we reply in English. If you'd like help in Spanish, you can reach out to us via email.


In this case, we suggest you follow all of the steps listed in this article.


Hope that helps.

Ok, i'll write in english

1. I bought a premium account, using the special offer, with my Credit card

2. My bank confirm the transaction to spotify

3. Spotify never send an email confirming my premium account

4. Spotify charged 5 bills to my Credit card, charging a total of US $12.45

5. This happend 1 week ago, and i still waiting for your email...


I hope you can answer

Hey @u-z0_y64tum7s.


Sorry to hear you're not getting Premium after this.


Sometimes when you enter your payment details, the money is drafted and remains as pending for the transaction to complete.

In this case, the payments should show as pending on your bank statement, and should go back to your bank account automatically.


I suggest reaching out to your bank for more information about these pending transactions.



“Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.”
― Maria Augusta von Trapp

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