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Spotify for Family

Spotify for Family


Family Premium




Amazon Echo (2nd generation)

Operating System



My Question or Issue

 I've been trying to link my mom's Spotify account to our new Echo so she can listen to music and request songs for Alexa to play. We are all premium family members and I am the one who pays so idk the main account. When I link my Spotify I have no issues with Alexa but when I link my mom's Spotify account Alexa says she's not a premium user and doesn't play songs. I logged on my mac to my mothers account using her username and password and once being in there it says she is on Spotify Free. Why doesn't it pick up that she is with Premium for Family?? I assume this is what is keeping Alexa from playing her music. How do I fix this? Please, someone, help!!

1 Reply

Hey @kellyy17, help's here. 


It's true that Premium is required to connect a Spotify account to Alexa. If you can't see Premium on your mother's account, can you see that she's part of the plan from your account page (only the owner can see this)? If so, she may be logging in on another account. We suggest that she logs off and log back in with the right details. If you can't find the other account, check out this help article for further help. 


If she doesn't appear on the list of Premium for Family members, send a new invite and let her accept again. Just to be sure, let her log out from the account page before accepting, which will prompt her to log in with her details. 


Hope that helps, and let us know how it goes!


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