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Premium for Students

Premium for Students

I used to have a Spotify premium plan then I deleted it and went to Apple Music. When I signed up to join Spotify again on a different email, I signed up for the student premium plan and when I put in my information it says that it looks like I took a trial before but I never got the student premium plan before.


6 Replies

Hey @emilyanastacia ,


Thanks for coming to the Community 🙂

Can you please try using this link:


Let me know if that works for you. If not, I'll see what else I can suggest.

MaximSpotify Star
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I have tried using the link and it still won't allow me


Thanks for letting me know, @emilyanastacia!


Can you please share the exact error message that you're seeing?

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

Hello, I am trying to send a screenshot


Thanks for the screenshot, @emilyanastacia!


You've mentioned that you never had Premium Student before, but did you have Premium at any point in the past?

MaximSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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