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Premium for student

Premium for student

I recently used the discount for Spotify premium through UNiDAYS on the 5th march, it still says on my Spotify that my account is free? But it has charged me ...
3 Replies



That certainly does sound a little odd, let's take a looksy backstage eh?


If you head on over to your account page does it say Premium or Free?

If it says free, could it be possible that you have a second account? You can find this out following this guide here.

Let me know how it goes 🙂

 - James

I don't think I have another account and it is not working still , I've tried logging out and back in and that didn't work either



Sounds like you may have a second account.

Probably best to try and see if you have one, if you don't that's fine -- we can still sort it 🙂


Try the link I provided above, and we can try another step once we've ruled this one out 🙂


Here's the link again,

 - James

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