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Do my family need to cancel their premium first?

Do my family need to cancel their premium first?






(iPhone 8


My Question or Issue

Hi there. I’m about to set up Spotify family but I’ve read some reviews where the main owner paid £15 and the family members were still charged their usual premium fee as well. I’m worried this will happen. Is it better for them to cancel their premium account and then I start the family subscription?

2 Replies

Hey there @Pklonas,

thanks for posting !


Please make sure to visit this help page on the Premium for Family plan.

It contains all needed info in order to install the plan correctly and answer all questions a user might have.


Check it out and let me know if you have any further questions 🙂

Hi there,

ive already read that article and it doesn’t answer my question at all unfortunately.

it says what happens to the bill owners fee but not about what the other family members should do

thanks 🙂


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