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Game of Thrones - Who's your favorite character?


Game of Thrones - Who's your favorite character?

Season 4 seems to be off to a very good start.

Who's your favorite character so far, and why?

Community Ergo Sum
33 Replies

I will just say the final episode will probable be rounding off with Tyrion's fate at King's Landing, and also what John Snow is going to face with Mance on the other side of the wall. I won't spoil anything but there should be a couple of big suprises coming for most who have not read the books. šŸ™‚ That is if the writers stay on form and do not bungle this important part of the story. Anyway this is the actor line up for the final episode of the season . But the show always throws a few surprises at the conclusion of each season.

Well now that season 4 is over is it safe to discuss everything up to this point that varies with the books, or would others wish not to at least for those who have not read the books? The reason I ask this, there is some huge differences on how things should have really ended due to book characters being cut, and hem hem some characters dying who are not really dead yet at least since last installment of the book series. But that may change with the book of Winds of Winter whenever Martin in his procrastination gets around to releasing it to us peasants :-). So is it safe to discuss the whole series and books up to this point or would you rather I keep my trap shut. šŸ™‚


There are some really interesting book characters I was for sure the series writers would include and they decided not to, this really irritates me sometimes when they change big sections of the story that the book readers are unsure of as the lastest installment of the book is not out yet. Like how the movie writers of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy rewrote stuff around for the movie versions, things like this kind of rub me the wrong way not sure why, but I am kind of a purist when it comes to books I have read and been immersed into.

I think you've just gotta take it with a pinch of salt, they've obviously done it for a reason..


Having not actually read the books, I see soooo many people whining about how they're different (not saying that you're whining), there are youtube channels devoted to that kind of stuff. Just appreciate that the TV series is a different piece of work to the books, obviously George R R Martin is involved with the whole process, and lets face it, the writers are brilliant.


A satisfying end to the season I think, with lots of characters now broadening their horizons! Particularly Arya, I'm looking forward to her season 5!


True for season five there is still plenty of room to expand on things if the writers open season five with a surprise like they do every season they begin with, the writers have a chance to include someone cut from the very last scenes of book 3. Some of what is going on with the ending of book 3 ties in with the experiments of Qyburn back in Kinds Landing with the Mountain and his injuries that should show up later because the final episode the writers made an effort to show Qyburn beginning whatever it is he intends to do.

A big book spoiler alert: If anyone remembers Dani from the video series going into the house of the Undying, well the series writers rewrote a big portion of what she saw in those visions and who she really met. In the books she meets face to face with the Undying Ones, they had sparking blue eyes and dead black hands. Some how those warlocks were somehow hooked up with some undead creature similar to the Others that are talked about North of the Wall. And of course they wanted her so as to control the dragons because of magic being reborn into the world, story short her dragon Drogo burned these creatures with his fire and destroyed them. She also saw visions of her older brother Rhaegar Targaryen with a woman and a new born child, who was killed during Robert's rebellion against the mad king, as well as many other things that has come to pass and could come to pass.


Oh well it is what it is. I have the books when the show writers decide to go off the deep end. šŸ™‚



I loved the finale! Shame we have to wait nearly a year for the next season. 


Great fight between Brienne and The Hound, but I was gutted to see him left for dead šŸ˜ž



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Ahh but it did go down very differently:


True but it was not suppose to go that way. The book version was somewhat like this, after the Hound was trying to make his way to the Vale he had heard in a local village about Lysa Arryn's "suicidal jump" through the moon door. After that he decided to try make his way back to Riverun where in the book, The Black Fish had stayed behind to deal with the defenses and the care of King Rob's Wife, who was a completely different character from the seasonal series, another character killed before book readers know the final fate of this important point in the story. As King Rob Stark and company went to the twins for the wedding which ended like somewhat shown in the seasonal series.
Anyway long story short, the Hound was making his way to cross the trident to get to Riverrun he stopped at the Inn at the crossroads where several of the Mountain's men were sadistically entertaining themselves with drink and the tickler was here with them where he was going to tickle the Inn owner for information about whatever he fancied. This was the scene that the Hound and Arya first encountered earlier in the season 4 of the series, with some different characters, anyway this is where in the book the Hound ends up fighting several of these scum and ends up badly injured. Arya tries later after they fled the scene of their carnage to clean the Hound's wounds, but he succumbs to a fever, and some dialogue between them ensues where Arya leaves him in a rage to his suffering for failing to attempt to help her save her mother and brother. Which the Hound had in a around about way said to Arya that he might enter into Rob Stark's service if he allowed him to do so, otherwise a sack full of gold would suffice. It would seem in a round about way he seemed in his cold cruel manner that he was somewhat impressed with the Stark's but hid his views very well. It would seem he was looking for a honorable King or person to serve and never really had it so this only fueled his hatred and cruelty. So his fate is a mystery or is it? Later on his horse and a mysteriously big hunched backed robbed person was seen serving with the contemplative brothers later on as a grave digger for the order at the Septry at the Quiet Isle. Book 4 and 5 starts going a little deeper into the faith and different orders of it and their functions in the seven kingdoms, as well as some historical information.
I am holding out that Season 5 opens with Lady Stoneheart it should tie in well with other dead things coming back later on.



Sorry could not refuse, so for those who do not want to be spoiled on the books do not read the spoiler.

I'm trying very hard not to open those Spoiler tags... 


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At the very least you do have a good year to read at least the first three books in the series, which covers everything up to the season 4 ending somewhat. šŸ™‚

Having read the books, my favorite characters (in no particular order) are Jon Snow, Tyrion, Varys, and Arya. I think they have the most interesting storylines and it is just so absolutely crazy to me how you can grow so attached to each of their plots when suddenly they run into another character you never thought they would. The whole universe Martin has created is pretty incredible, and I'm just sitting here waiting ever so patiently for the 6th book.


Varys in particular is very interesting to me...What is this dude up to???

There are subtle hints in the books and even in the season series of what he is doing, he wants a stable society but those who are playing the game of thrones will not cooperate so he pushes things to the extreme to try and excert the influenced outcome he wishes.

I know, they've been hinting at a couple things in the books, and there are a couple of theories I can get behind regarding Varys. The ending of the 5th book just really threw me in for a loop. One thing's for sure, Varys is pulling a lot more strings than we are led to believe...

Yep him, and the whole Little finger fiasco that set off the events in the first book with Lysa Arryn and the Starks and Lannisters. Then in the books we get the whole back history of why Tywin has been doing what he has been doing it all goes back to slights on his pride. Tyrion makes a remark on this about how families are always scheming  Lots of ins and outs of the story.


A big clue to what Varys may be is in the books which Martin makes allot of effort to show this characters ability to disguise himself similar to the faceless men across the narrow seas. Now it is not clear if this be just a mummery trick or if he is someone tied in with that assassin group or maybe with the House of Black and White where Arya Stark will end up using for her training. Although the ending of book five with the assasination of Ser Kevan Lannister with Varys little birds wearing masks is an interesting twist to who or whatever he is hooked up with. Could this be another rival power that probable goes back to the days of the old Kingdom of the Targaryens across the narrow seas from Valyria? We may even be surprised in the end to find out that the face he has been wearing all along in Kings Landing is not his true face at all? Books 6 and 7 should be rather fun reads to find out what has happened from all the cliff hangers left off with book 5.
I think Littlle finger is about to find out what it feels like to be on the other side of manipulated events beyond his control by what Sansa Stark is learning from him, after hearing the confession from Lysa of everthing that her and Petry did, Sansa is going to start putting everything together. We also still have the Black Fish on the loose too who can easily spot a Tully descendant in Sansa from her mother and cause allot of problems by creating a rebellion against Petyr. I guess this all hangs on which way Martin decides to send the Black Fish, does Martin send the Black fish after King Rob's Wife to attempt rescue, or make him force an attempt to get reinforcements from the Arryn supported houses which should get him close enough to see Sansa and her mothers features of Catelyn and force a confrontation with Little Finger. After getting down from the safety of the Eyrie Little Fingers troubles should really start to begin, he thinks he is safe but he left the only place he was safest at Kings Landing, lots of fun to come. Some people who deserve their justice should get it and others who derserve a fate far worse than death should get that too. I only hope the Northerns that they get the chance to skin Ramsey Snow to the bone, "The North Remembers".


I completely agree with your theory behind Littlefinger. I also think LF is particularly vulnerable in his attraction to Sansa. I wouldn't be surprised if his downfall occurred as a result of his letting his guard down around her. This is further hinted at in the show. "Has Sansa killed anyone yet?" "No, or at least not yet," Tyrion responds.




Hodor , Hodor!









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