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Old Brain Food Playlist Song


Old Brain Food Playlist Song


I am searching for old Brain Food Playlist song which i used to listen in between January - March 2017. ITs i think called 'Lies / Lie'. Has a kind of eerie feeling to it.


If anyone can find it that would mean a lot. 


18 Replies

I’m looking for the same thing! Did you ever find your answer?

They removed my favorite song off the playlist too. It also had this eerie feeling to it,  but had this lady sing couple of words occasionally with this really old audio-filtering. The name was something like "calming sounds" and the authors name seemed Polish...    Help please ❤️

Same here. Up until last week the playlist had this song on it. It was sortof synth-classical (best I can do to describe it). Had an abnormally deep voice says at one point "I can hardly wait" (or something like that) and then there's a guy crying at the end. It's got an eerie, even horror element to it.

Hey all 🙂


I think the song OP (@mit189 and @Nick7455) were searching for might have been this:


Unfortunately I have no idea what the other songs would be. But don't worry - this Spotify playlist is fairly popular and users keep static versions of the playlist, so I definitely recommend browsing through




Hopefully your songs are in there somewhere 🙂

I am looking for this song too!! You all are describing it perfectly.  Beautiful classical intro, woman singing, polish artist name, eerie aggressive avantegarde electronic, guy crying at the end.  Album cover was a grey moon surface with black space and stars above horizon with a red machine in the middle

YESSSS I’m looking for this one too the guys crying in it and there are these weird sounds and heavenly sounding parts. I know the version of the playlist I found it online but it only goes to the first 30 songs and has you open it on Spotify then it just goes to the new one. 😞 it starts with new beginnings by daydreamer. I wanna find this song!!!


Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a song of Brain Food playlist too, but it seems that it’s been deleted from Spotify as I don’t find it in my saved songs anymore. 

It was very chill, repetitive percussions with some crowd chatting in the background. The voice was soft, and could sound a bit oriental influenced. 

Does that tell something to anyone ? 

Is it Metro by The EMBR?

Is it ‘Metro’ by The EMBR?

No, unfortunately not.  Thank you for helping 🙂 I really hope someone can find it someday.  Theoretically it’s out there somewhere.  I wonder if there is any way to view every album on Spotify. I would gladly comb through them all

Hello Ozarkian and Crossreach, I think I'm that someone from someday here to help. You are exactly describing the song "Presudeos" by Alon Mor. As far as I Know, it is still on the brain food playlist. I doubt me living in Australia is changing what songs are on it. 

I'm also looking for a song that has been removed from the Brain Food playlist. It's a very short melody last about 2-3 minutes with no lyrics, no human voices. I think the album cover was dark blue with a silver metal animal figure spinning around. Appreciate if someone can help find the song.

**bleep**! I couldn't say enough to thank you! I've searching a song for long time, and finally found it from one of the playlist you shared. This is amazing! 

Btw the song I was looking for was Adieu by What So Not.

Somehow my earlier comment wasn't attached to this thread. Just wan to say thank you for sharing the list for me to be able to find the song I was looking for!

Hi. I also started listening to the Brain Food Playlist at around this time, and it seems like the playlist has changed  a lot since. I am not able to find the original songs from the playlist. Did you have any luck finding your song? 

I really wish it was possible to access previous versions of playlists...

I am searching for a song from 2018-2019. It was the first song on brain food and has a sniper or a gun on a pedestal as the album cover 

Thanks for the information

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