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Photo Thread: Show your bike


Photo Thread: Show your bike

Hey there.


Here's my thread: show your bike! I purchased my Raleigh at June 2013, now I have driven now near 1,000 kilometers 😉 It's average of 225 kilometers for one month.




I travel always riding a bike, because I do not have a car, and do not need one. Bike forever!!!


And now I go for some night biking here. Even if I already did 15 kilometers today with my bike for my shopping need. 😉


Please share photo of your bike!!!

33 Replies

nice bike! I have only started to use my bike recently after I found out my new job really has no parking, but its good that I keep fit this way and go to the third floor using the stairs and not the lift..


No pic of mine but its an old granny bike lol because before then I had not used it in like 10 years 😄 I might get one like yours now I am using it a lot

I use my bike 365 days in year. I love biking.


I go with my bike to shop, to trip etc... Bike is good car for me ;D

its nice to see that passion for biking there.. how much did yours set you back if you dont mind me asking?:) the one I use is horrible, need a decent set of wheels to get me to work lol


whats your knowledge on bikes like?


I have a bike and when its all the way on the highest gear you ride it and its so slow like you are on the lowest gear but its still has the stiffnes of the top gear, do you know what causes it?


I will be uploading mine later, found my old bike from X amount of years ago... looks good but screatches like its rusty lol

I'm average user in bikes. I know all good stuff I need.


I think you should show your bike here. We wait it!




Here is Pegasus - 1 year old and 4500 miles travelled 🙂  



Please more bike photos!


Even if winter, I still use my bike 😄

My pride and joy:



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@Richard wrote:

My pride and joy:



WOW. That is cool bike!

@Gregoris - it sounds like there's something not quite right if you're not going any faster, but it's hard work in the top gear.

I guess try oiling the chain and check nothings rubbing if you spin the back wheel while you're not on the bike. If it's still not working, probably worth taking to a bike shop to investigate...

Finally, a chance to talk about bikes! 


This is my day to day commuter bike (1 of 2), complete with an 'arty' filter. My actual commute isn't long at all, so I take every other opportunity to ride I can. 


Little back story:

The frame and forks previously belonged to a guy who rode for a team and the frame was built and painted for him back in the 80s (hence the paint job). The week it was delivered to him he got hit by lightning! So the frame sat in his shed for ~20 years in perfect condition. He finally sold it and the next owner kept it in the shed for another 10 or so years. Eventually they sold it so someone could actually ride it. Which is when I got hold of it. Why own a bike you're never going to ride? I had the wheels built and built the rest up myself, getting parts here and there when I can. 


Love this thing. 

And the other bike, the 'Sunday Best'. 



How about adding another question to the thread:

Even though you shouldn't, does anyone listen to Spotify on their bike? If so, does anyone have a bike ride playlist or playlists they always have on?

I listen Spotify everywhere when Biking! Just if 3G is available.


I listen my handsup hands-collected playlist. It's cool and full of energy you need to biking need!!!


Here's my bike:


My father bought this Frejus road bike, S/N 89279, new back in about 1962, when I was teeny tiny. The story is that his mother bought it in Italy and brought it back with her to Minnesota. He used it to commute in the sixties. The bike was rather nice for its time, with Campagnolo hubs, headset, BB and shifting equipment, Amobrosio bars and stem, Nisi sewup rims and Mafac Dural Forge brakes.


It fell off the roofrack of our Citroen station wagon one evening in 1967, resulting in the rear derailleur tab breaking off and the right rear dropout and fork getting bent. I ended up getting the rear dropouts replaced and repainting the bike in Rustoleum spray-can hammertone grey as a result of that old damage.


I got the bike converted to fixed gear in August 2004 with a Suzue Basic hub with EAI 19T cog, Mavic MA3s and Continental Sport 1000 tires on thornproof tubes. I kept the old Campy front hub, which still runs smooth and tight. All the wheel work was done by Ordinary Bike Shop in Tucson, which appears to be the only shop here that understands fixies.

I trimmed off the outer portion of the original worn-out 47T chainring to space out the chainring bolts. I recently found two nice new 47T chainrings on ebay to make up for this butchering.


I took the front brake off November 2005 because I discovered after a couple weeks of riding fixed that the brake is not needed in the flat Tucson valley if you pay attention to the traffic lights. Wheeee!!! Then I put it back on three months later - no crashes or scares, I just decided that having a sleek nude fork crown was no substitute for being able to stop in a hurry if needed. I gently straightened one of the original Mafac road brake levers and mounted it in the middle where it belongs on a fixie.


I built up a rear wheel in January 2006 using a Campy Record track hub from ebay, a Mavic Open Pro rim and double-butted DT spokes. It came out rather nicely for my first wheel build. Thanks Sheldon for the how-to! The gearing is now 47x17.


The headlight is a bit of a story. I'm an electrical engineer and I had always hated the external battery bag on my Niterider 10 watt halogen light. I figured if I could get the current draw down to 1/2 ampere, I could use two lithium-ion cells tucked inside the bar ends and really clean up the lighting arrangement.


The Schmidt E6 light from Peter White Cycles was just the ticket. I bought two 18650 Li-ion cells (3.6V, 2000 mA-H each) and a protector circuit board from one of those low-budget companies with a web presence. A locking toggle switch, a two ohm dropping resistor for the 6V 3 watt halogen bulb, and a DC charger socket completed the installation. There are many colors of 24 gauge hookup wire strung inside the bars, with red and black wires emanating from a small hole drilled near the stem clamp out to the light. It works great - I get over 4 hours of use from one charge.


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Follow me on Spotify.

Psssh.... why did you get the Sport 1000's, you should have got the Conti Gators #amateur



For Twitter support, find us at @SpotifyCares.

Follow me on Spotify.

That is a nice bike

@Jack wrote:

And the other bike, the 'Sunday Best'. 




Thanks man. 


My pride and joy. It never goes out in the rain. It's so much fun to ride

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