
Help Wizard

Step 1


403 error with message "An unknown error occurred."

403 error with message "An unknown error occurred."



Country: Australia


My Question or Issue

I added users to the list to allow access to app in development mode. Working with web API, it authorises the users but then ends up in 403 error with message "An unknown error occurred." for all users except for the account using which the app was created.


I'm wondering where I should look for help or any pointer where it could fail.



2 Replies

Hi @sachtbm, sorry to hear about the trouble that you are having. Where are you seeing "An unknown error occurred." as an error message? Is it part of your client library or somewhere in the body of the 403 response you received from Spotify?

Thanks for response, I think it was just resolved few moments ago. It looks like the issue was related to the order of process i.e. it gives error if users authorise first and then add them to users list, still results in error for any subsequent attempts. So I removed users and added them again, then they tried authorising again and it worked fine.

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