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App Rejection - Apple

App Rejection - Apple



I have developed an app for Ios that uses the Spotify Web API. I do not plan on commercializing it for the time being, but Apple is requesting documentation with permission from Spotify to use third party content. The content I use is the track name, track artist, track album image, and play the audio from a track preview URL, all after the user signs into their Spotify account. In compliance with the Spotify guidelines, I provide the Spotify logo and a link to the track always. 


I have already sent them the developer guidelines and they say that I still need to provide authorization to stream the preview URL and use the track metadata described above. Is this something you guys could provide or could you please point me in the right direction? Any else that experienced this from Apple?


I've worked really hard on this app and it'd mean a lot to me to get some help with this. I can also provide a copy of the response from Apple or any additional information about the app.


Thank you!

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