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Please continue supporting iOS/Android streaming SDKs

Please continue supporting iOS/Android streaming SDKs

We have been using those SDKs since they became available.


Our particular app (Amazing Slow Downer) lets the user play music more slowly, since a couple of years ago also songs from Spotify. The "ios-streaming-sdk" is a beautifully designed framework that lets an audio developer do practically everything needed.
In our case it makes it possible to access the raw audio samples and this way process the sound and then playback the processed audio using our regular audio playback engine. With your new SDK this is not possible. It might be that the "ios-streaming-sdk" is more difficult to use for an average developer but that also makes it more powerful.


We have many users that uses Spotify. Many users switch from other streaming services such as "Apple Music", Tidal, Amazon Music etc to Spotify just to be able to slow down streaming music in real time.

We believe our app gives Spotify many many new subscribers, so many that it would actually pay off for Spotify to maintain the "ios-streaming-sdk".

We only use "playlist" functions and after fixing a couple of bugs in the "metadata framework" available on github, everything works 100%. Although there are certainly some bugs in the “ios-streaming-sdk”, they are very few and don’t affect our app.


We also have an Android version of our app that uses your Android streaming SDK and it also works very good.


We believe Spotify will loose thousands of users, so many that the minimal cost Spotify need to spend on maintenance will pay off manifold.

Since our app also supports playback and slowing down of streaming Apple Music, many of our users will probably switch from subscribing to Spotify to subscribing to Apple Music.

You write:

"After September 1st, important functionality in the streaming SDKs will stop working."
Exactly what does that mean? What part of the SDK will continue to work?

Please continue supporting iOS/Android streaming SDKs!

Rolf Nilsson
Roni Music

944 Replies

I'm a long-time premium Spotify subscriber. I am also a guitar player that uses the Amazing slow downer app with Spotify regularly to learn music. This is one of the primary reasons I subscribe to Spotify. Please continue with the Amazing slow downer integration.

This will be really disappointing for me as a music student, ASD and Spotify combination has been fantastic over the last few years. I can’t justify the cost of Spotify Premium otherwise, it will be pointless. Would really appreciate this decision being reconsidered. Thanks.

Well yeah it goes without saying that my family order Spotify is done for if this proceeds.

This will be really disappointing for me as a music student, ASD and Spotify combination has been fantastic over the last few years. I can’t justify the cost of Spotify Premium otherwise, it will be pointless. Would really appreciate this decision being reconsidered. Thanks.

You have to reconsider!!  I rely on amazing slow downer working with spoti

Why why why you have to reconsider...  I use spotify because of this feature as swell as my friends..

I'm a musician and this is crucial... 

The combination of ASD and Spotify is an amazing benefit for any musician transcribing and studying their craft. Removing the possibility to play the songs in a slowed down fasion would be a huge loss for serious musicians around the world.

I use the Amazing Slow downer App as a musician to practice ear training and to learn/practice new songs. This is an invaluable tool and if Spotify is cut out then Ill have to move to Apple music. Frankly, it would be cheaper since the Apple music subscription only adds $5 to the monthly iCloud plan Im currently on (vs the $15 I pay for Spotify).  I choose to use Spotify for other reasons because I don't want give Apple everything….

Lastly, it’s not just the slow down feature but pitch shifting in ASD as well. I play in houses of worship and often time songs will shift  keys depending on the vocalist for that weekend. Having a pitch shift allows me to practice parts in different keys as well. 

The ASD app is basically a cornerstone for most musicians.  Im not sure that I know of a band member that doesn’t own it.  Musicians probably drive a lot of interest in Spotify to begin with. I wouldn’t recommend cutting us out of your services.  You are replaceable. 

I know many music teachers here in Germany who use ASD together with Spotify to teach kids their instrument. The guitar teacher and flute teacher of my kids use it and I know many others. Actually, this practice may even bring many kids in touch with Spotify for the first time and I think that Spotify may profit from this quite well.

I'd like to speak out on their behalf - I'm not sure how comfortable they are writing in English here.

So, please reconsider this decision and keep ASD working with Spotify!

As a musician, the Spotify integration with Amazing slowdowner has been one of my most important tools for learning new music. As an early adopter of Spotify, I have always viewed the company as consumer oriented, with a drive to develop new features and improvements. I guess something has changed along the way, and that I will have to consider other providers of music content in the future.

Agree with this 100%.  Or maybe Spotify can develop an app for its users who want these features. 

I'm a heavy user of Spotify (over 2,000 hours/year), and I just paid and downloaded Amazing slow downer app three days ago.

I was shocked when I received the announcement yesterday..

I just found that this app is very useful and helpful to learn playing guitar/bass. Audio quality is also very good.

Actually I'm considering whether I change to apple music because lots of those kind of third party app doesn't support Spotify.

Please consider continue to support those third party apps for user experience.

I'm a heavy user of Spotify (over 2,000 hours/year), and I just paid and downloaded Amazing slow downer app three days ago.

I was shocked when I received the announcement yesterday..

I just found that this app is very useful and helpful to learn playing guitar/bass. Audio quality is also very good.

Actually I'm considering whether I change to apple music because those kind of third party app often doesn't support Spotify.

Please consider continue to support those third party apps for user experience.

Hard to believe that they would eliminate a feature that is used by so many in the music community world-wide. Some other streaming service will pick up on this and users will switch in very large numbers.

The Amazing Slowdowner/Spotify Premium linkage and features are used by musicians throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. That is no doubt true world-wide as well. People I talk to will be switching over to Apple if this change occurs since Apple still has a slowdown feature. Before this, Spotify had a competitive advantage by linking to the Amazing Slowdowner for both pitch change and slowdown features. But that past advantage for Spotify will now be out the window.

I will be less likely to stick with Spotify if this goes through. ASD has been instrumental in my improvement as a musician over the past few years. Spotify doing this would gut my faith in them as a company 

This **bleep**- I will cancel; Spotify and go back to Apple if that is what you want. 

Like others have said, this **bleep** and I will cancel and go back to Apple. Wow! I stayed through the Neil Young protest, but now I guess it is time to move on. 


Please keep allowing access to amazing slow downer! It has been the most helpful thing in learning to play my mandolin … i will likely switch plat forms if you disable access. 

Hear hear. I also have quite many pupils, like 70ish, as I teach bands and music theory at an music institute.


There won’t be any love towards Spotify any more. I have promoted both Spotify and ASD but as of now this free form of advertising will be closed.

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