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All off-line songs gone

All off-line songs gone

From night to morning all my offline songs are gone. I´m a premium subscriber.


All the possible reasons stated by Spotify don’t apply:
• You've downloaded music to more than 3 devices – No Just one device
• You haven't been online with Spotify at least once in the last 30 days – Nop. Almost every I use Spotify online
• You've recently reinstalled the app (doing so automatically removes downloaded tracks from your device). - No
• Your Spotify app needs updating. Didnt get a notification
• Your SD card (if your device has one) has become compromised (dislodged, corrupted, etc.) . Nop, it´s working fine to everything else.
• The content's no longer available on Spotify. Nop, they are all there
• Tracks in some playlists, such as Discover Weekly and other Spotify-curated playlists are updated regularly, meaning tracks might be removed. Nop. All music deleted


The offline sons were downloaded in different dates.



6 Replies

i'm in the same situation.... it seems there's no explaination....

Your offline songs as in downloaded through the app or the music you have outside of the app.

all the songs downloaded through the app. The files are still correctly stored in the spotify folder on android device but after a few days they disappear only from the app. 

So this link will take you to another link, which give you a guide on how to fix the problem.

Thank you for the reply... i've already tried a clean reinstallation but the problem still remain.

2nd problem, the system can't remove the 2 offline android devices from my account. 

I'm convinced that the issue is in my account managemen, and i think only Spotify staff can solve.... (or i can close my account).



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