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Charged Insufficient Funds Fee

Charged Insufficient Funds Fee

Hello Spotify Staff,

I was recently charged with an insufficient funds fee of $38.50, and I felt it was necessary that I voice how ridiculous of a fee that is for a $5/month service. I was still charged for the month (which has now turned into $10/mo -- I was unaware that the student discount has an expiration date, a warning prior to changing my monthly payment would have been much appreciated), rather than simply cancelling my subscription until a new payment was put forward.


It leaves me as a consumer with the message that your company is more concerned with generating revenue than providing value. As a customer who has recommended your services to friends & family over the past two-three years of supporting your company, I would thoroughly appreciate a refund for the fee I have been charged. I do acknowledge, I did have insufficient funds in my account, but I can not continue to be a loyal consumer of your services if this is how you will choose to generate a profit off of your customers.


Thank you for your time. I hope this message reaches you not as an attack, but rather as a concern of interest. Have a great day.


1 Reply

bump. If a staff member could respond that'd be much appreciated. Thank you!

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