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Double Charged

Double Charged


I was previously on a free 6 month trial through Rogers and when it ended, we put our accounts on a Spotify Family Plan. I was charged both on my Rogers account and through Spotify for last month, for the same spotify accounts. I tried contacting Rogers but they informed me that this issue can only be resolved through Spotify. Rogers also tried telling me that after the 6 monthes, the spotify auto-renews and will charge us. Except both my brother and I can confirm when the 6 monthes expired, we were on Spotify free. We lasted less than a day due to the ads and switched to a premium plan via Family plan . 

1 Reply

Hey @jeich


You should fill out the contact form, and someone from Spotify will help you within 24 hrs. Don't forget to check your spam folder for responses as they may end up there.


If you get an automated email directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you.

osorniosSpotify Star
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