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Epic collection, friend... WHAT?!

Epic collection, friend... WHAT?!

I have a premium subscription. Recently spotify sent me this message when i tried to add more music:

"Epic collection, friend. Your library is all filled up. To save more, you'll need to remove some songs"


Apparently i reached the limit of 10,000 songs... so i tried to add more music to a playlist, but then:

"You've filled this playlist to the max. Impressive. Star a new one now to keep collecting."


What is this spotify?! I love music so much. I love to listen the complete discography of my favourite artists, and every certain time i like to discover more music. 😞

Please spotify, give me a solution, or i will have to change my subscription to Apple Music or Google Play Music, who have 100,000 songs as limit, which is much better.

17 Replies

Hey @Pipe_TC, welcome to the community.


Hope you’re doing great!


I understand your frustration, however you can save a maximum of 10,000 songs and albums to Your Library. 


For albums, all its songs plus the album itself count towards the limit (e.g. a 10 track album counts as 11 tracks toward the limit). If your collection is so awesome you run out of room, you can always add songs to playlists.


You can learn more about Your library here


Happy listening 🙂

Billy-JSpotify Star
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So... is not there a solution? **bleep**... 😧

I love to add music to a a playlist (or going directly to "Songs"), then... shuffle play to ALL my music... and just enjoy! letting Spotify to do the job of sorting all of my music... but... if you say that I (we) have a limit in my (our) library AND in playlists... no... sadly... it could be the reason why i could migrate to the competition... 😧

Please give me a solution!

This is the link for voting. For Spotify to wake up and increase this small amount of songs on the library. In tne link, spotify says this:


"Hey folks, we're back to give this idea a bit of an update. 



As we've previously said, less than 1% of users are reaching this Your Music limit. The current limit ensures a great experience for 99% of users instead of an "OK" experience for 100%. 


We've kept a close eye on your feedback though and we agree if a solution for this could be met it would be beneficial for everyone. While this isn't in our current timeline we're changing this to "Good Idea" and we'll update you if we have any info. Thanks!"


Hey no Spotify, no...

I have taken courses of Theory of Services. If you think that only 1% of users are being affected, you are not considering this:


The Iceberg of the ComplaintsThe Iceberg of the Complaints


This is ridiculous Spotify. We are paying for a PREMIUM service... and you are limiting us to a maximum of songs we can choose...

If there is not a solution, me and my family we are really thinking on migrating to Google Play Music or Apple Music.

Obviously this policy was set by stupid it guys not giving a **bleep** knowing about music. You only demonstrate your inability to appreciate music and respect your customers who do.

You should have run marketing campaigns with the people listening to a wide array of music and make them advocates of the service with free usage, not limiting them. Meh.

Hey @user-removed and @Pipe_TC,


Don't worry, if your Library is full, you can still put songs in playlists. 


We do recommend you post in this topic. We are always looking to approve Spotify but to do that we need to know what everybody would like to see the most 🙂


Thanks for your input. Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day!


I had the same problem, and I got so annoyed that I unsubscribed and went to amazon music... But then I realized that amazon music isn't nearly as good...  So now I'm back on this unfortunately.  Basically what I understand is that spotify wants to replace your downloaded hard drive music (they need to try harder), but they offer a limited amout of "storage" to keep track of the artists/albums you love, which defeats the purpose of going subscription based in the first place (at least imo).  There are a lot of duplicate albums in my library, which is spotify's fault for not being dilligent about preventing that.  So since I've been back, I've freed up space by just deleting dupe albums.  So Spotify, fix your s * h * i * t * mother fers.  so **bleep**ing god **bleep** annoying.  You're claiming I'm out of space but you're taking up space with these **bleep**ing dupes.

I came over from Apple Music but I think I will return to Apple if this is not remedied in two or three months.  This is a dealbreaker for me.

This is not an acceptable solution. Guess I'm moving to Apple Music...

I reached the 10,000 song limit in Your Library ages ago, so I just gave up on that feature and went to a Starred playlist of sorts. Every once in a while I go through and remove duplicate entries (singles that are doubled with their album equivalent, etc) and that keeps the list tidier and somewhat smaller. At some point I'll hit 10,000 again on this, and then I'll be back at square one and have to either separate the list into two or find something else. You can't tell me that adding the capability of adding another 5,000 or 10,000 songs to the limit is REALLY going to be a hardship on Spotify if it's only affecting 1% of the community, as they claim. Just do it and appease those who would like the additional music in a single playlist/library. I voted at the link posted above.

I work in social care, and this is the quintessential form response copy/pasted from a spreadsheet. The user complained about the 10,000 song limit, so Spotify replies with, "But you can still save 10,000 songs to your library!" or whatever. If this truly makes the experience better for 99% of your users, why aren't you more upfront about this limitaiton? I even read the user agreement and still don't remember it. Must've really buried that, huh? I wonder why you'd do that if it's such a great thing for 99/100 of your customers...

Predicted reply: Thank you for your feedback. I understand this can be frustrating, but did you know you can still save 10,000 songs? Furthermore, 99% of people who pay for our premium, unlimited service don't mind that it's neither premium nor unlimited (I didn't include the grammatical/puncuation errors you make in every post because it hurts too much to type them).  

I think thus affects far more than 1 percent.

Really surprised this is still a thing. I just spent a couple of hours migrating all songs and playlists from apple music to spotify. Guess I am going to cancel my spotify account. I love spotify but I am surprised the company still stands when they put any sort of limit on the max number of songs... 

Came here to say this happened to me last week.

I've immediately canceled my subscription and moved to Apple Music.


I also am in the process of switching from Apple. I thought it would be nice to listen to music on non-Apple devices... that only works if I can actually add all my music to my very limited “unlimited” account.

guess it’s back to Apple...

And I am not Spotify’s friend. I am a CUSTOMER

Also part of the 1% 

Really starting to get tired spotify, apple music is giving three months free right now✌️

Also part of the 1% 

Really starting to get tired spotify, apple music is giving three months free right now

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