
Help Wizard

Step 1


I accepted a family subscription and they told me is not the same adress, and that is not true

I accepted a family subscription and they told me is not the same adress, and that is not true

I accepted a family subscription, and I have the same adress as the person who created the plan. But spotify inactivated my premium account becouse it was not the same adress, and is not true, we have the same adress and we live actualy together.

1 Reply

So sadly this is actually a common problem. You have two options. Option one click this, it says to make a new account, but then all your stuff is deleted. Your other option is to contact Spotify about it with this link and this will let you chat with someone who works at Spotify to fix the problem through the actual system. Hope this helps :). Likes are appreciated and if this is the solution mark it as one thank you.

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