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Military Membership

Military Membership

There are 76 million students in this country that are offered a discount for Spotify.

Active military members are about 0.5% of the IS population.


Yet Spotify offers a student discount, but not a Military discount.


What gives Spotify? I have seen post about this going back to 2013? 



9 Replies

Hi @Lexington101, thanks for writing.


That's probably the post you're talking about, right?


I guess the best way to support this idea is voting for it and adding your thoughts, or even creating your own idea adding new elements to it!

BittencourtSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

To know they do not support our Military before or present .. Sad.

I just reached out and asked this question to them and it was literally ignored in the chat. I’m seriously going to look for a different streaming option. To not support the military but students like that is cold.

Pandora has a military/veteran discount. 



Premium Family





Operating System



Improvement Suggestion

Upon review of the Spotify family plans, I feel there is an opportunity to leverage military identification to allow dual location registration per account.


As it is well known, our military families sacrifice their time at home to carry out their duties in supporting and defending our country. The current family plan policies state all plan subsidiaries must also reside at the primary residence for the account. This impacts service members by forcing them to violate these terms and risk degradation of service, or occur an increase in cost to properly abide to these terms.


Implementation of this feature would not only support our military families, but it would be a reputable marketing strategy that Spotify could leverage to increase customer enrollment and improve customer satisfaction in service.


Today, many business and services apply military discounts or services from validation of an DoD ID. Please look to consider leveraging such an improvement for both customer and the business.


Thank you.


Вітаю. Я навчаюсь в ВВНЗ курсант і як мені отримати знижку якщо це можливо.

Я курсант Академії сухопутних військ

I believe you should be offering a military/veteran discounted plan just like the student plan.  Military members are a very small percentage of the users and it shows the support to our military and veterans who served. 

Like many restaurants, Spotify does not have to provide military discounts. Not everything has to be discounted because someone is in the military. The student discounts make sense because bc majority of college students.

They don't have to provide student discounts either but they do. Not everything has to be discounted because you are a student. So why not provide military discount too.

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