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So I payed for Spotify premium like 5 minutes ago and it said that I was all good and everything so I went to Spotify but it didn’t give me the perks. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong please?

1 Reply

Hi @Jakejuker54,


Welcome to the forums!


When you signed up did you get any email confirmation from Spotify listing the charge for the premium account? You may need to check your junk/spam folder.


If you have no receipt emailed then it is likely your payment did not go through and is in 'pending' with your bank. Please let me know if this is the case and I can give you steps to try to help resolve that. 


Lastly, can you go here and let me know what it shows there: Receipts page.


I will wait for your update 🙂



Robert_WRock Star 11
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