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Problems with payment

Problems with payment

Help! In my Spotify account my date of birth is 19/10/1995. But when I try to pay with the bank slip (Very common payment metod here in Brazil) it shows that "You need to be at least 16 years old to use this payment metod. Please help me!

2 Replies

Hey RaulBeatles7,


Thanks for posting here for help. The error message you're seeing sounds like a bank registration error to me. It would be great if you could get in touch with your bank to double-check everything. They'll be able to help you.


Then, try signing up again once everything's sorted out.


I've tried on tow different accounts. One was a premium a long time ago and the other I had just created. Both failed with the same error. I have tried two different credit cards and I can't to with the bank slip either. The error message pops-up right after i chose this method. This account isn't registred with any bank account, if that's the problem. Help please!

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