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My Spotify premium has all of a sudden stopped, I had gotton it through the spark $19 music pack. Is it meant to do this or is there something wrong? Spark still says I have premium but Spotify says I am using free.

4 Replies

Hey @philpottuchiha9, welcome to the Community!


It'd be best to reach out to Spark for more info on what happened with your subscription. Since you signed up through them, they're the ones handling it.


If they tell you that you're Premium, ask them what username/email address is registered for Premium on their end.


Be sure to let us know how it goes 🙂

Hi the problema is that i Pat forma sptify premium bit my account Stiller bein oficina a Spotify free and i hace the mail of my payment and its ok in the pagar of Spotify says that i hace premium bit un the app i hace the free i closed muy session several times but it does not work. Sorry i dont speak english very well.

Hi the problem is that i pay form spotify premium but my account still being of a Spotify free and i have the mail of my payment and its ok in the page of Spotify says that i hace premium but in the app i have the free i closed muy session several times but it does not work. Sorry i dont speak english very well. mx

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